Ramadan: Coordination meeting in Nador on monitoring market supplies

by times news cr

2024-07-22 13:44:04

This meeting, explained the governor on this occasion, comes within the framework of the implementation of the High Royal Instructions, during the meeting of the Interministerial Commission for monitoring and following up on the state of supply of markets and prices held on Friday at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior in Rabat, and which insist on the abundance of all widely consumed food products during this month.

Emphasis is also placed on strengthening price and quality control operations to preserve consumer purchasing power, health and safety, he recalled at the end of his participation, by videoconference, in this meeting.

Mr. Chaarani stressed in this sense the need to manage all these actions and operations within the framework of an anticipatory approach tending to the activation of coordination and monitoring mechanisms for awareness, control and monitoring of the supply situation in order to guarantee the quality of food products and preserve the health, safety and purchasing power of the consumer.

The governor also called on the various stakeholders representing the territorial administration and security and external services to pay particular attention to control operations to preserve the safety and health of the consumer, while activating the role of local commissions and monitoring their activities.

The meeting took place in the presence of authorities, heads of security services, as well as heads and representatives of external services.

It should be noted that in application of the High Royal Instructions, the Interministerial Commission for monitoring and following up on the state of supply of markets and prices held a meeting on Friday at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior in anticipation of the holy month of Ramadan.

This extended meeting is intended to focus on the supply situation of markets and prices in anticipation of the holy month of Ramadan, assess the results of surveillance activities, strengthen market control and firmly fight against all forms of speculation and price manipulation and any illegal practice likely to hinder the normal functioning of markets and harm the health and safety of citizens, the rights of consumers and their purchasing power, said a press release from the Ministry of the Interior.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of the Interior, the Minister of Economy and Finance, the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, the Minister of Industry and Trade, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, and the Directors General of the Customs and Indirect Tax Administration, the National Office for Food Safety, the National Interprofessional Office for Cereals and Legumes, and the National Office of Fisheries, with the participation, by videoconference, of the walis of the regions, the governors of the prefectures, provinces and district prefectures of the Kingdom, and the secretaries general and heads of the internal affairs divisions and the economic affairs divisions in the prefectures and provinces, as well as the heads of the decentralized services concerned.

2024-07-22 13:44:04

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