Ramadan: Disorganized trade on the date market

by time news

With a production down 20%, the Maghreb will offer fewer dates for this Ramadan. At the same time, Egyptian and Saudi dates are seeking to take more and more market share.

The Deglet Nour from the Maghreb could become rarer in the long evenings of Ramadan and perhaps a little more expensive. Tunisia and Algeria have suffered from the drought and show production down by around 20%. “ In some regions, the fruits are so dry that they can only be used for industrial processing. », Explains an operator.

Deglet nour and Medjool, the two varieties suffered

A blow for these producing countries and in particular for Tunisia: the increase in maritime freight costs in 2022 has already caused the country to lose two export markets for pitted dates in Canada and the United States.

The Medjool variety from Morocco was also hit hard by the lack of rainfall. According to the National Agency for the Development of Oasis Zones and the Argan Tree Andzao, the Cherifian Kingdom produced, all varieties combined, 120,000 tonnes in 2022, i.e. 20% less than in 2022.

► To read also: Medjool dates: Palestinian treasure under occupation

The Saudi date continues to seduce

Meanwhile, the market is benefiting other producers who have more efficient irrigation systems than those in the Maghreb and who have shown their desire to export more. This is the case of Egypt, but also of Saudi Arabia. Saudi dates (Succari, Ajwa, Safawi varieties) are attracting more and more buyers, as far away as Japan and Australia. Large retailers in Germany and Holland are also starting to take an interest in it, according to the Belgian importer Tomoor, which specializes in Saudi dates.

Whatever the origin, the trend this year is for last-minute purchases. In view of the rise in electricity costs, importers waited to have orders to buy, whereas before, they sometimes stocked up from one year to the next to benefit from the best prices. Buyers also waited to show up, and today “ it’s moved “says Armand Fabre, a French importer who has to deal with difficult deadlines.

Faced with a disorganized trade, distributors must also adapt to the general decline in purchasing power due to inflation. Tomoor is testing for the first year a packaging of 250 g, lighter for the wallet.

► To read also: The Medjool date is becoming more democratic

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