Ramon on Bennett’s mediation between Putin and Zalansky: “A postman who conveys messages”

by time news

This week, the British newspaper The Financial Times reported that the prime minister Naftali Bennett He is the main mediator in ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine and has had a major impact on both sides. Former Minister of Justice, Haim RamonAddressed this morning (Friday) in a conversation with Nissim Mash’al, in his program on 103FM, and expressed great doubt about the content of the report.

In his opening remarks, he said: “At best, Bennett is just a postman conveying messages. Why? Because a mediator should be powerful. If I were to be told that the President of China is a mediator, then I would believe, because he is powerful. But you think if Russia says she wants The half of Ukraine and Bennett say that half of it is excessive, so he tells Putin to take only a quarter? Bennett bets on an ability he has no influence on. “The Ukrainian side. We are the only country in the West that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. Even Switzerland is no longer neutral.”

Ramon went on to say that Bennett’s moves are of no use, and that they are also damaging Israel’s foreign relations: “The question is what causes Israel to do something that will harm it in the long run. We are portrayed on Putin’s side when the whole West sees him as a terrible person. “Israel and does not bring any benefit. If Bennett had donated even a little to prevent bloodshed, I would have stood in front of his house in a demonstration of support, but that does not happen.”

In response, Mashaal noted that the right-wing party began to rise in the latest poll. Ramon replied: “Sure. It went up from five seats to seven. Bennett must have the same data as in the election. This process may eventually take revenge on him.”

Ramon reiterated the strategic significance of Israeli mediation and said: “I do not think this is true. It turns out that this matter entails things that will harm Israel’s interests. Instead of traveling to Moscow, go to Washington. A much worse agreement is being formed in Vienna than in 2015. Look, the United States is talking To remove the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations. ”

Haim Ramon (Photo: Yossi Aloni)

Mashaal replied that even during the tenure of Benjamin Netanyahu As prime minister, Israel has failed to prevent the nuclear deal. “I also claimed that Netanyahu did great nonsense,” Ramon explained. “Instead of improving the agreement, he canceled it. Bibi did not want there to be any agreement. Bennett, who will try to improve the agreement, who will demand compensation, security assistance, things that will reduce this agreement,” he added.

Ramon concluded: “So well done talking about Bennett, it makes me happy, but it is not good for the State of Israel. What is important is not to stand against Russia, but to do it. I think Bennett got confused in the priorities of what is important and not important to the State of Israel.”

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