Ran Danker: “Surrogates are being looked into, money needs to be arranged”

by time news

Danker also opened his heart when it comes to expanding the family unit: “First of all, I am a parent of two daughters, so it is obviously a part of my life. We really want to expand the family, to have more children. It is complex in our situation, it changes the whole story, You have to be a creative creator, but we do solve it. We have co-parenting with the girls’ mother, and it’s possible that we’ll choose a different way for our next child. The options are surrogacy and we’re looking at everything now, it’s a lot of money that needs to come out, figure out where, how , it’s cumbersome. The State of Israel did take a huge step, it confirmed eligibility for men as well. That means we can bring embryos from abroad, you can do with a surrogate in Israel, be part of it.”

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Maayan Adam asked how he celebrated Tu Bab with his partner, and Dankar replied that “yesterday we were at a concert, there was a really fun crowd, we celebrated there, but today I guess we will celebrate together with the whole family. I didn’t buy him anything, I had a terrible week, I’m going out now, he’s still sleeping.” These days he’s celebrating the success of his new song ‘Queen of Expansion’, and you can see it here.

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