Ranking with the 10 best IMSS hospitals (2023 edition)

by time news

2023-05-09 01:00:41

  • The IMSS was founded on January 19, 1943 by the then President Manuel Ávila Camacho.
  • Its staff is made up of 146,000 nurses and nurses, in addition to just over 84,000 doctors.
  • The World’s Best Hospitals 2023 annual ranking contains the names of those that are considered the best IMSS hospitals.

Investment in health is a fundamental characteristic for any country. It is an item that cannot be dispensed with because its impact is direct for the entire population. Therefore, the construction and equipment of units is essential to offer the best possible service to patients. All this leads to a key question: Do you know which are the best IMSS hospitals today?

In the first place, the importance of the IMSS lies in the fact that it is the basis of Mexican public health. It was founded on January 19, 1943 by the then President Manuel Ávila Camacho. Its objective at that time and currently has been to offer workers basic social security services.

Since then it has had exponential growth. Only at present it has just over 60 million beneficiaries. Therefore, half of the population is part of Social Security.

A day in the life of IMSS

To care for this entire population, there is a health team made up of 146,000 nurses and more than 84,000 doctors. On a typical day in the IMSS Ordinary Regime, 404 thousand 118 consultations are granted, of which 303 thousand 469 are Family Medicine, 54 thousand 335 Specialties, 9 thousand 938 dental and 36 thousand 916 Emergencies.

In addition, an average of 832 deliveries, 2,852 surgeries, 710,350 clinical analyses, 50,768 radiodiagnostic studies, 11,338 echosonography, 6,668 tomography, 237 cardiopulmonary physiology, and 901 magnetic resonance are attended. In addition, 15,401 sessions of Inhalation Therapy, 1,844 of Radiotherapy, 7,529 of Hemodialysis, 21,215 of Physical Medicine and 1,488 of Nuclear Medicine, among others.

The best IMSS hospitals

However, within its extensive hospital unit there are some units that stand out from the rest. To know their names there is the annual ranking World’s Best Hospitals 2023. This edition contains the names of the best hospitals in the world. The interesting thing is that it allows you to search by filters and when choosing Mexico, the best qualified ones appear, among which some of the IMSS appear.

  1. Siglo XXI National Medical Center – Mexico City
  2. La Raza National Medical Center – Mexico City
  3. Hospital General Regional No. 46 – Jalisco
  4. Zone General Hospital No. 33 – Nuevo León
  5. Regional General Hospital No. 1 “Dr. Carlos MacGregor Sanchez
  6. Navarro” – Mexico City
  7. General Hospital of Zone 1A “Venados” – Mexico City
  8. National Medical Center of the West – Jalisco
  9. Hospital General Regional No. 17 – Quintana Roo
  10. Hospital General Regional No. 180 – Jalisco
  11. Regional General Hospital No. 220 – State of Mexico

In this sense, the selection was based on several aspects. The main ones were the facilities, number of patients treated and the level of their medical staff.

From the above the XXI Century National Medical Center of Mexico City is not only considered the best of the IMSS but of the entire public sector. He has several awards such as being the first to perform a kidney transplant in Mexico in 1963. It is also considered a leader in scientific productivity and care for highly complex pathologies.

On the other hand, something that draws attention in the list of the best IMSS hospitals is that there is a clear centralization of health in the country. The Mexico City, Nuevo León and Jalisco occupy eight of the 10 places. While the remaining two are for the Regional General Hospital No. 17 of Quintana Roo and the Regional General Hospital No. 220 of the State of Mexico.

Finally, do you work in one of what are currently considered the best IMSS hospitals?

Also read:

The IMSS in figures: How many hospitals and workers does it have?

IMSS turns 80 and “celebrates” it with the hiring of more Cuban doctors

IMSS medicinal herbarium, the largest store of its kind in Mexico

#Ranking #IMSS #hospitals #edition

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