Ranking with the best hospitals in Mexico

by time news
  • The Covid-19 pandemic has been the biggest health challenge humanity has faced in the last 100 years.
  • The Ministry of Health affirms that there is a deficit of 200,000 doctors in the country.
  • Newsweek magazine and Statista published the most recent results of the ranking with the best hospitals in Mexico.

Investment in our country is never enough due to the needs of the population. Although despite the deficiencies that have existed for decades, there are some spaces for patient care that stand out from the rest. These are those who today are considered the best hospitals in Mexico, do you know which ones it is?

The pandemic that has not yet disappeared helped demonstrate the importance of the health field for any country. It was the greatest challenge faced by humanity in the last 100 years and its consequences can be seen to this day.

In the case of our country, one of the problems is that the health emergency was faced with a shortage of medical personnel. According to the Ministry of Health (SSa), 200,000 general doctors are required to reach the figure recommended by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

However, although this type of comparison is unfair, in the end it is useful to identify centers that do a good job. Not only do they have enviable facilities, but they have the right real estate to fulfill their duties.

Recent work in favor of health

In this vein, in recent years several actions have been carried out to improve the health sector in our country. Among them is the construction of the University of Health, whose objective is to exclusively train doctors and nurses with a community approach. It is a project in Mexico City, although there is also a campus in Puebla.

Another example is the increase in the number of places offered by the National Exam for Applicants for Medical Residency (ENARM). In the 2020 edition, the places were doubled to allow more young people to become specialists. Never before has there been such a large increase.

What are the best hospitals in Mexico?

To answer this question, since 2019 Newsweek magazine has carried out an annual study. With the support of the Statista database, it analyzes more than 2,000 hospitals around the world. The results of the 2023 edition have just been published and were based on three parameters.

  • Online survey with experts (doctors, hospital directors, health professionals). We asked participants to recommend hospitals. We limit the possibility of bias by excluding recommendations for employers/workplaces.
  • Results of patient experience surveys. In order to determine the patient experience, we use data from existing public surveys. In general terms, insurers conduct these surveys at the end of the hospital stay. Among the topics analyzed are: satisfaction with the hospital, hospital recommendation and satisfaction with medical care.
  • Key Medical Performance Indicators (KPIs) for hospitals (for example, data on quality of treatment and hygiene measures). We collect KPIs from various public sources. The information analyzed included data on the quality of care for specific treatments, patient hygiene and safety measures, as well as data on the number of patients per doctor and per nurse.

Something quite interesting is that you can filter by country. With this in mind, the 10 best hospitals in Mexico today are the following:

  1. South Medical Hospital – Mexico City
  2. ABC Campus Santa Fe Medical Center – Mexico City
  3. Siglo XXI National Medical Center – Mexico City
  4. ABC Campus Observatory Medical Center – Mexico City
  5. La Raza National Medical Center – Mexico City
  6. Civil Hospital of Guadalajara “Juan I. Menchaca” – Guadalajara
  7. Angeles Lomas Hospital – Mexico City
  8. General Hospital “Dr. Manuel Gea González” – Mexico City
  9. Christus Muguerza High Specialty – Monterrey
  10. Spanish Hospital – Mexico City

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