Ranking with the best Medicine universities in the world

by time news
  • Once again, Harvard ranks first in the ranking of the best medical universities in the world.
  • Within the list there is a marked dominance of the United States because half of the schools belong to that nation.
  • All the protagonists of the first 10 places in the ranking stand out for their study plans, facilities, level of their teachers and constant research.

Academic training within the field of health is not only necessary but mandatory. In order to care for patients or carry out research, it is first necessary to complete several years of study to acquire the minimum necessary knowledge. For this reason, one of the most frequently asked questions is about the best medical universities in the world, do you know which ones they are?

Evolution in Medicine throughout history

First of all, although Medicine is one of the oldest professions in the world, throughout history it has been transformed. One of the first men to study the field of health, among others, was Imhotepwho lived approximately between the years 2690 and 2610 BC

During the following centuries other people appeared who also stood out although their training was empirical. It was between the years 1700 and 1800 that the contemporary medicine and significant progress was made. It was when a scientific vision based on verifiable data was adopted.

In this sense, the quintessential medical figure of this period was Rudolph Virchow. He was in charge of developing the disciplines of hygiene and social medicine, which remain in force to this day. He was also the one who postulated the theory of “Omnia cellula a cellula” (every cell comes from another cell) and explained living organisms as structures made up of cells.

Precisely at that moment in history, teaching was professionalized. It was when the academic programs that are the bases of those that remain in force to this day appeared.

The best medical universities in the world

That said, now is the time to analyze the present to know the best medical universities in the world This is a contentious issue because it is quite difficult to make comparisons between schools around the world. Fortunately, there are professional studies that are responsible for doing this type of analysis.

One of the most important and serious is the QS World University Rankings. It is an annual classification where more than a thousand higher education institutions from around the world are analyzed. The most important thing is that it allows filters to know the most outstanding of a specific profession.

The most recent results corresponding to this 2023 have just been published and there are several points to highlight. On the one hand, there is no news regarding the first place because Harvard University remains in the first position. It stands out both for its study plan and for its facilities and the research it carries out permanently.

For its part, the second step is for the University of Oxford, which was founded in the United Kingdom in 1096 and is one of the most emblematic in the world. At the same time, like the others on this list, it is not cheap and very few people can enter to study in their classrooms.

In turn, another of the aspects that calls the attention of this edition of the The best medical universities in the world is the marked domain of the United States. In fact, half of the institutions mentioned belong to that country. For now we share the final list with the top 10 places.

1) Harvard University – United States
2) University of Oxford – United Kingdom
3) Johns Hopkins University – United States
4) Massachusetts Institute of Technology – United States
5) Stanford University – United States
6) University of Cambridge – United Kingdom
7) Imperial College London – United Kingdom
8) UC San Francisco – United States
9) UCL – United Kingdom
10) Karolinska Institutet – Suecia

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