Rapprochement between flag and association? • The reporting and interpretations

by time news

The Shabbat Square commentator Yishai Cohen and the editor of the Dagrah newspaper Avraham Dov Greenboim, talked this evening (Tuesday) with Avi Mimran in the main edition, about what is happening in Torah Judaism.

Yishai Cohen: “The attacks we are hearing now are just a promo for what will happen if the split really happens. But fromThe same officials who said yesterday and the day before that there was no chance of running together, I hear that there is some progress, but I don’t know what it is.”

According to him, “My feeling is that if they go together, it will be difficult for Torah Judaism to maintain the seventh mandate. The public is very tired of the controversy, and also quite a few Hassidim will want to protest their rabbi’s honor and will not go to the polls or vote for another party.”

Avraham Dov Grinboim: “Yesterday I arrive at Gore’s wedding and I see three members of the Grand Council of the Guests of Honor flag at the wedding. If we really think that there is going to be a division here, it won’t happen. No one wants to repeat 2009. They will find the formula and the way will be found.”

He added: “There have already been several election campaigns where there was bad blood before this and in the end after the elections they moved on and remained as a united faction in the Knesset. I am optimistic.”

Yishai Cohen commented of MK Pindros in the lawsuit against Avrami Yotsman who linked officials of the Zionist Histadrut to the Torah flag: “It will be very interesting if this event ends up in court. I can estimate that Yostman will have the upper hand. Very senior people in the Torah banner who have positions in the Zionist Histadrut, members of the Knesset are involved up to their necks there. Histadrut senior officials will gladly come to testify to how much Degel is involved.”

Earlier our reporter reported Avi Ravina that in the talks that took place today between the representatives of the negotiations (Seibert and Shipman) the understanding arose that Belza is ready to take one step forward, to freeze the education plan, and to lose about 28 million NIS that may be generated from the education plan, after it was promised to increase the budget of the competent institutions to the extent And a right-wing ultra-Orthodox government will be established. The point of contention: if there is no 61 – will Belza be included in the independent education.

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