Rare diseases, 51 thousand euros to Aisla from Galbusera on Hug Day

by time news

2024-01-19 16:46:00

An embrace of solidarity and closeness in the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis between the third sector and the corporate world was exchanged on the occasion of World Hug Day, between the Italian Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association (Aisla) and Galbusera, the organization that supported with 37 thousand chocolates the Christmas campaign ‘The good taste of research’ and which donated, on this occasion, in an event today in Milan, a total of 51 thousand euros.

“The hug, one of the simplest and most instinctive gestures of man – says Fulvia Massimelli, national president of Aisla – is perhaps also one of the most powerful. With it we manage to express solidarity, closeness, comfort and hope, communicating our support and our presence. We celebrate this generous donation today, with the hope that this day can represent a moment of reflection and awareness for everyone.”

The donation, like many other third sector initiatives – explains a note – shows how the synergy between companies and non-profit organizations represents added value for the entire society. In fact, every donation produces a double social benefit, because it not only improves the lives of the people who receive the help, but also contributes to creating a healthier and more positive context in the present and in the future. This was confirmed by the Italian Donation Institute (Iid), present today with Aisla at the delivery of the donation. “Non-profit organizations – comments Cinzia Di Stasio, Iid general secretary – have a fundamental role in promoting the culture of giving, a spontaneous gesture of generosity and solidarity that can represent a strong sign for building a more just and equitable society. Enhance and cultivating solidarity through the gift can help overcome economic and value crises. The objective must be to build a shared culture of giving, capable of promoting social commitment and the involvement of citizens in the construction of the common good”.

By choosing Caffaril chocolates for the research – continues the note – Galbusera managed to reach the incredible sum of 37,162 euros. But the company’s commitment did not stop, as it wanted to do even more, donating the round sum of 51,060 euros. “It is with gratitude – declares Diego Ponasso, Retail Director of Galbusera – that we join the fight against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Galbusera, as a company, feels the responsibility to contribute to the construction of the society in which we wish to live and we are committed to doing so through support for non-profit organizations and their wonderful work. It’s not just about donating sums of money, but about embracing a duty and social responsibility to which we are all called.”

In her testimony Davida Rafanelli, president of SLAfood, Aisla member and person with ALS, talks about the human side, the one where affection becomes substance. “World Hug Day – he remarks – reminds us of the importance of being a community and of uniting to face together the challenges that life presents us. My personal experience has taught me that solidarity and the support of others can make the difference. We must go ‘beyond’ and spread this awareness.”

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