Rare Fox Ring Auctioned by Kronofogden: Gang Leader’s Symbol up for Grabs at 15,000 SEK

by time news

For years, the fox ring has been seen adorning the fingers of the gang leaders in the leader Rawa Majid’s closest circle in the Foxtrot network.

Now a copy is being sold at auction at the Kronofogden. In the seizure decision, the value is estimated at SEK 50,000, but the asking price starts at SEK 15,000.

– I was holding this ring yesterday when we had a visit from the Minister of Justice and Finance, says Johannes Paulson, anti-crime coordinator at the authority.

– This will probably get attention, so I think we will get a good price that will go to crime victims.

During Wednesday evening, seven bids had come in, of which SEK 10,250 was the highest at 9:17 p.m.

The ring’s owner detained in Tunisia

The copy that the Bailiff is now selling was Yassine Mohdhis. He belongs to the inner core of the criminal Bro network and is close to Rawa Majid, which Expressen told about in a previous survey.

The rifle was seized by the police in connection with Mohdhi’s arrest at the end of 2022 on suspicion of having organized a shooting from Turkey. The shooting was an act of revenge after one of Majid’s relatives had his door shot at in Uppsala.

After being in custody for about six months, Mohdhi was released after he was acquitted of inciting the attempted murder and extremely serious weapons offences.

In October of last year, Mohdhi was arrested and detained in Tunisia along with four other members of the Bridge Network after a long search by Tunisian police.

They are suspected of being part of a terrorist organization.

The fox ring: A propaganda tool

The fox ring has been widely used by rap artists in music videos and leaders of local criminal networks to signal which phalanx they are backing in the conflict between Foxtrot and Ismail “The Strawberry” Abdo’s breakaway group Rumba.

A conflict that has so far caused 13 deaths according to a previously classified police report, which UNT has reported on.

What considerations have you made when you have chosen to sell a symbol like this?

– According to the law, we are obliged to sell, to seize assets. When there is a debt with us and an asset appears, we have to seize it, says Johannes Paulson and continues:

– Police and prosecutors could have confiscated it, but when it comes to us, we have to confiscate and sell it.

How does it feel then?

– I’m torn about this. It’s good that an asset appears, something we can sell so that there is money for the state. Then I understand that this is a symbol of something nasty and which we are trying in every way to counteract.

Anyone can buy the ring

If someone chooses to buy the ring, the buyer’s name, after payment and delivery, will become public information with the Crown Bailiff.

How do you see the risk of someone from a criminal network buying back the ring and using it again for propaganda purposes?

– It is entirely possible for anyone who does not work at the Kronofogden to shop at our executive auction, so it can absolutely happen.

Will you check where the money comes from?

– When there is reason to do so, we look at money laundering aspects and the like. If suspicious things appear, we make a report to the financial police, says Johannes Paulson.

READ MORE: Premium Ten targets – the men on either side of FoxtrotREAD MORE: Gunilla Persson takes on the KronofogdenREAD MORE: The Crown Bailiff’s support for Gunilla Persson: “Sees her as a colleague”

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