Rare Vagina Stone Found in Woman with Cerebral Palsy: Case Study

by time news

**Rare Vaginal Stone Found in Lebanese Woman with Cerebral Palsy**

By Alexandra Klausner

Published Nov. 24, 2023, 4:28 p.m. ET

Doctors in Lebanon recently made a shocking discovery when they found an incredibly rare vagina stone — the size of an orange — lodged in a woman’s pelvis. The case, detailed in a recent study published in Urology Case Reports, involved a 27-year-old bedridden woman with cerebral palsy.

Vagina stones, which can form when urine buildup in the vagina crystalizes or when an untreated bacterial infection causes urine to harden, are extremely uncommon. In this particular case, the primary cause was urine stagnation, as no bacterial infection was found.

The woman’s history of urinary incontinence, which is common in people with cerebral palsy, led to a leakage of urine in the vagina. This ultimately resulted in her complaining of stomach pain, which initially went undiagnosed due to the rarity of the condition.

Symptoms were noticed three days before the patient was rushed to the emergency room, where a CT scan revealed the culprit. The formation was so big that it had been pressing on the woman’s bladder, leading to more urine leakage.

Doctors from Lebanese University in Beirut performed a three-hour procedure to break up the stone with laser therapy via ultrasound shockwaves and then used forceps to remove the fragments. After the operation, the woman was discharged and put on antibiotics.

The case study authors emphasized the importance of routine gynecologic examinations for people with cerebral palsy, followed by an X-ray if stones are suspected, due to the increased risk of developing vaginal stones in this population. The rarity of the condition has often led to misdiagnoses in the past.

This case serves as a reminder of the importance of proper medical care for individuals with disabilities, as well as the need for continued research and awareness of rare medical conditions.

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