“Raskila” appeared at the festival “Dzūki godos”

by time news

2023-04-21 08:47:44

After the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania declared 2023 as the year of DZŪKIJA, the festival dedicated to them “Dzūkų godos” emphasized the tradition of violin playing, which is important and relevant for the cultural identity of the Dzūkija region.

Birštonas “Raskila” – at the festival “Dzūki godos”.

The violin was one of the most important musical instruments used in the Dzuk family and in calendar celebrations, to reflect the customs of work and youth. Making music in it differs from other regions in that the dzuks played solo, the style is masterful, expressive, and the tempo is faster. 20th century help violinists decreased. Now, in the regions of Lazdija, Punska, Varėna, Alytus, Druskininkai and Birštonas, this tradition is practiced by about ten representatives of the older generation. Dzūkiška’s musical tradition is included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of Lithuania.
On April 14, the folk group “Raskila” of the Birštonas Cultural Center, led by Roma Ruočkienė, participated in the closing concert of the festival “Griežk, skripkela” in Varėna. Kaišiadori KC youth folklore ensemble “Žilvita”, Vilnius Teachers’ House folklore ensemble “Srauna”, Alytus KC folklore ensemble “Žvangucis”, Vilnius folklore group “Griežikai” also performed there.
The people from Birštonieci were very warmly received by the audience, because we not only played bassetle and cymbals, but also danced and sang beautifully.
Everything was crowned by night dances, where we had fun, playing not only Dzūkija’s violins, but also other musical instruments.
Nijolė Juozaitiene

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#Raskila #appeared #festival #Dzūki #godos

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