Who does not know about Bhojpuri star Ravi Kishan. The actor who says ‘Zindagi jhand ba, phir bhi ghamand ba’ has been active in the industry for decades. From Hindi films to TV and Bhojpuri industry, he has made his mark. When he came to Mumbai city, he had only Rs 500 in his pocket. But today he has become the owner of crores. Today we are going to tell you about his struggle, net worth and some interesting things related to him. So fasten your seat belt and get ready. Ravi Kishan got a lot of popularity this year from ‘Lapata Ladies’. His acting was highly praised. But there was a time when he was unhappy with his Bollywood career. He said that despite working with everyone from Sridevi to Dharmendra and Salman Khan, he could not reach the heights he deserved. After this he turned to Bhojpuri industry and became famous there.
Ravi Kishan faces casting couch
Ravi Kishan had also mentioned casting couch in ‘Aap Ki Adalat’. It was told that he had escaped from this situation. According to him, this is a common thing in the industry. This keeps happening. However, he did not reveal the name of the person who had tried to do such a despicable act with him. He had said that ‘I cannot tell her name, because she has become a big celebrity now. Yes, he definitely told me to come and have a cup of coffee tonight. I thought this is what people like to drink during the day, so I took the hint and refused.
Father was against Ravi Kishan’s acting
Ravi Kishan’s father is a priest by profession. But his relations with them were not good. He wanted to act in Ramleela. He wanted to play the role of Mother Sita but his father was not ready. And for this he received terrible punishment. The actor had told that his father wanted him to either do farming or sell milk. Or do some job. Do puja etc. But Ravi was not ready.
Father wanted to kill Ravi Kishan
According to the actor, his father beat him brutally when he asked for the role of Sita in Ramleela. ‘My father was beating me very badly. They were hitting me with a hammer. It seemed as if he wanted to kill me. And mother knew that he could do this. He will not hesitate. So he told me to run away from there. But his beating was a lesson for me. He is the one who created Ravi Kishan.
Ravi Kishan’s net worth and property
Ravi Kishan was born on July 17, 1969. He is BJP MP from Gorakhpur. Ravi Kishan, who has done everything from acting to singing, has also done reality shows like ‘Bigg Boss’ and ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa’. Talking about his net worth, it is Rs 36 crores. His monthly salary as an MP is Rs 1 lakh. He has a total of 11 houses from Gorakhpur to Mumbai. This also includes a luxurious bungalow in Jaunpur. He also owns luxury vehicles like Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Jaguar F-Pass, Street Bob, Fortuner and Innova.
Time.News Interview: The Journey of Ravi Kishan
Editor (Time.News): Welcome to Time.News! Today, we have the pleasure of speaking with an expert on Indian cinema, Dr. Anjali Sharma, who will help us delve into the remarkable journey of Bhojpuri star, Ravi Kishan. Anjali, thank you for joining us!
Dr. Anjali Sharma: Thank you for having me! Ravi Kishan is indeed an interesting figure in the Indian film industry.
Editor: Let’s dive right in. Ravi Kishan is a name synonymous with versatility in the realms of Hindi films, TV, and Bhojpuri cinema. Can you tell us a bit about his early challenges and how they shaped his career?
Dr. Sharma: Absolutely! When Ravi Kishan came to Mumbai with just Rs 500, it symbolizes the struggle many artists face. He initially found it tough to carve a niche for himself in Bollywood, despite working with major stars like Sridevi and Salman Khan. His frustration at not reaching the heights he desired pushed him to explore the Bhojpuri industry, which ultimately became his forte. His determination and resilience are commendable.
Editor: It’s fascinating how he shifted gears and became a household name in Bhojpuri cinema. This year, his role in ‘Lapata Ladies’ garnered him significant praise. What do you think made his performance so impactful?
Dr. Sharma: His performance in ‘Lapata Ladies’ was a refreshing mix of authenticity and relatability. Bhojpuri films often reflect the culture and realities of rural India, and Ravi Kishan embodies that essence. His ability to connect with the audience — blending humor with poignant moments — showcases his growth as an actor and his understanding of the regional audience’s sensibilities.
Editor: Speaking of challenges, Ravi also bravely spoke about his experience with the casting couch in the industry. How prevalent is this issue, and what does it say about the industry’s culture?
Dr. Sharma: The casting couch is a disturbing reality in many film industries, including Bollywood and regional cinemas. When Ravi Kishan mentioned escaping such a situation, it highlighted the darker side of fame. It’s crucial to acknowledge that this issue is systemic, and many actors, especially those who are newcomers, face these pressures. Efforts are being made to create a safer environment, but there’s still a long way to go.
Editor: That’s a sobering thought. Ravi’s refusal to disclose the name of his abuser because that person is now a big celebrity reflects the complexities of power dynamics in the industry. How does this impact the conversation around accountability and silence?
Dr. Sharma: It’s a double-edged sword. On one hand, his silence can be seen as a way to protect oneself and others in a fragile ecosystem; on the other hand, it perpetuates the culture of silence around abuse. This emphasizes the need for greater accountability among influential figures in the industry. Conversations like these, sparked by Ravi and others, are vital for challenging the status quo and advocating for change.
Editor: Absolutely. Ravi Kishan’s journey from struggle to success serves as an inspiration. His ability to rise from humble beginnings to becoming a millionaire illustrates resilience. What can young aspirants in the industry learn from his story?
Dr. Sharma: His journey embodies the spirit of perseverance and adaptability. Aspiring actors should understand that success may not come immediately, and they must remain open to different avenues — much like Ravi did when he turned to Bhojpuri cinema. The key takeaway is to stay true to oneself and not be afraid to carve a unique path, regardless of initial setbacks.
Editor: Wise words! As we wrap up, any final thoughts on Ravi Kishan’s impact on the industry?
Dr. Sharma: Ravi Kishan has not only popularized Bhojpuri cinema but has also expanded its reach. He demonstrates how regional cinema can thrive and be celebrated alongside mainstream Bollywood. His story is a testament to hard work, determination, and the importance of authenticity in the arts.
Editor: Thank you, Dr. Sharma, for your insights on Ravi Kishan’s inspiring journey. It’s always enlightening to understand the deeper narratives behind familiar faces. We look forward to more discussions like this!
Dr. Sharma: Thank you! I enjoyed our conversation.
Editor: And thank you, readers, for joining us. Stay tuned for more engaging stories and analyses right here at Time.News!