Raw? 7 remedies to relieve discomfort quickly and easily

by times news cr

The resaca or cruda, It is a common response of the body after excessive alcohol consumption.

It manifests with symptoms such as headache, nausea, fatigue y dehydration.

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Although there is no magic cure, certain remedies and habits can effectively alleviate its effects.

Remedies against “hangover”

Adequate Hydration

He alcohol It acts as a diuretic, increasing urine production and causing dehydration.

Replenish fluids It is essential to mitigate hangover symptoms.

Drink plenty of water and consuming electrolyte-rich drinks, such as coconut water, can help restore the body’s water balance.

Photo: Special/ Coconut water is rich in electrolytes.

Nutrient Rich Food

Consume nutritious foods can speed recovery.

Complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, help stabilize blood sugar levelswhile fruits provide vitamins y antioxidants that combat oxidative stress induced by alcohol.

Additionally, protein-rich foods, such as tuna, provide essential amino acids for recovery.

Photo: Special/ Food with nutrients accelerates recovery
Photo: Special/ Food with nutrients accelerates recovery

Sufficient Rest

He alcohol can alter the quality of sleep, so it is essential to allow the body rest what is necessary.

Adequate sleep facilitates recovery and reduces the feeling of fatigue associated with a hangover.

Person resting to relieve hangover.
Photo: Special/ Rest is essential

Avoid Consuming More Alcohol

The belief that Consuming more alcohol relieves a hangover is a myth.

This practice can prolong y worsen symptoms, in addition to increasing the liver toxicity.

It is advisable to refrain from ingesting more alcoholic beverages during the recovery process.

Moderate Physical Activity

Carry out cardiovascular exercises Low-intensity exercise, such as walking or cycling, can improve blood circulation and relieve some hangover symptoms.

However, it is important to listen to the body and don’t overdo itsince the body needs energy to recover.

Photo: Special/ Cardiovascular exercises
Photo: Special/ Cardiovascular exercises

Avoid Coffee and Painkillers

Although he café It may seem like a solution to combat fatigue, its diuretic effect can worsen dehydration.

Likewise, the use of pain relievers like him ibuprofen It can irritate the stomach already sensitive to alcohol.

It is preferable to opt for natural remedies and maintain adequate hydration.

Photo: Special/ Do not drink coffee or painkillers
Photo: Special/ Do not drink coffee or painkillers

Natural remedies against hangover

Some home remedies They may be helpful in relieving hangover symptoms:

  • Ginger or mint tea: Helps reduce nausea and improves digestion.
  • Pickle juice: It helps to rehydrate the body thanks to its electrolyte content.
  • Milk thistle: Known for its properties to reduce liver inflammation.
Photo: Special/ Teas and juices can help
Photo: Special/ Teas and juices can help


The best way to avoid a hangover is to moderate your alcohol consumption. In addition, consuming food before and during the intake of alcoholic beverages can slow down the absorption of alcohol and reduce its impact on the body.

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Although there is no instant cure for raw, Adopting healthy habits such as adequate hydration, balanced eating, rest, and moderate physical activity can significantly alleviate your symptoms and facilitate a faster recovery.

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