RBB crisis: media politicians call for clarification

by time news
media RBB affair

“The allegations in the room weigh heavily”

To show the flag.  Radio Berlin-Brandenburg

To show the flag. Radio Berlin-Brandenburg

Source: dpa/Jens Kalaene

The allegations of nepotism against the top of the ARD broadcaster RBB are now also in politics. The media policy spokesman for several parliamentary groups are calling for unreserved clarification.

VBefore the crisis meeting of the Broadcasting Council on Friday afternoon, the pressure on the broadcaster boss Patricia Schlesunger and the head of the board of directors Wolf-Dieter Wolf increases.

The RBB staff council had previously demanded a temporary resignation from real estate entrepreneur Wolf in order to ensure an independent and transparent review of possible nepotism in the top management environment. It is about controversial consulting contracts in connection with a major real estate project of the broadcaster and six-figure fees for Schlesinger’s husband, the former “Spiegel” journalist Gerhard Spörl.

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The FDP member of the Bundestag and media policy spokesman for the traffic light group, Thomas Hacker, to WELT: “Unfortunately, the Schlesinger case is a difficult process for the perception of public broadcasting, just like crisis management. If there is repeated critical reporting on consultancy contracts, private dinners and alleged mutual favors, then the only goal of all those involved must be to avert damage, create transparency and also regain internal trust.”

But the director has been struggling with that so far. A number of employees apparently found their appearance at a works meeting last week rather disturbing and intimidating. Hacker’s clear statement: “As ARD chairwoman and RBB boss, Ms. Schlesinger bears a special responsibility. Letting your office rest until the media regulator, the RBB investigative commission and the audit offices have checked the allegations beyond a doubt could help to meet this responsibility.”

Petra Sitte, media officer at Die Linke, unequivocally criticizes the director’s crisis management: “There is a legitimate expectation that public broadcasting will exercise maximum care and transparency when spending its funds. This also includes avoiding even the appearance of conflicts of interest and dealing with allegations quickly, actively and transparently. In my opinion, that didn’t happen with the necessary sensitivity here.” And on the question of whether the managers should give up their posts: “This option should certainly be considered by those affected and also by the responsible bodies.”

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Public legal radio

The Greens member of the Bundestag, Tabea Rößner, calls for a broad investigation into the contribution-financed broadcaster: “Allegations of nepotism and the granting of advantages weigh heavily, especially in the case of publicly financed broadcasting. It is therefore important and right that the RBB’s audit and compliance officers take on the matter and seek external legal advice so that the allegations are examined in detail.”

“Allegations of nepotism and the provision of advantages weigh heavily”

SPD media politician Helge Lindh sees the artistic director as having a duty: “Ms. Schlesinger has opted for offensive communication. This decision is up to her. In my opinion, the following is important for the coming days: the independence of the law firm involved must be guaranteed. The promise of absolute transparency that Patricia Schlesinger made must now be kept.”

Lindh continues: “All allegations that have now become public must be part of the internal and external consultations. An ongoing compliance procedure also encourages everyone involved to critically monitor the tests and evaluate the final result. On this basis, a decision must be made as to whether consequences are necessary for those responsible.”

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The CDU parliamentary group leader in the Brandenburg state parliament, Jan Redmann, is also critical of how the RBB leadership has dealt with the crisis so far: “The allegations in the room weigh heavily. In view of the contradictory representations, doubts have arisen as to the willingness of those involved to clarify the matter. The events give the impression of an excessive closeness between the director and the head of the board of directors. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the control. However, in the interests of the contributors, such doubts are unacceptable.”

The Union politician from the broadcasting area calls for clear consequences: “The staff council’s demand that the head of administration should rest his office is correct. Mr. Wolf himself is the subject of criticism – he can therefore not be an unbiased enlightener on his own behalf. In the interests of its own credibility, RBB urgently needs more transparency and a truly independent investigation into the matter.”

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Quelle: AFP, AFP/ AFP/ Saul Loeb

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