RBB director scandal: police chief reacts to criticism of dinner

by time news
media According to media reports

Schlesinger submitted an invoice for what was apparently a private dinner to the broadcaster

“It’s about pension entitlements of around 15,000 euros a month”

Patricia Schlesinger has submitted her resignation as RBB director. Now it is about a severance payment and pension entitlements, among other things. “We’re talking about 15,000 euros a month,” says Kayhan Özgenc, editor-in-chief of “Business Insider”.

The affair surrounding the resigned RBB director Patricia Schlesinger continues to spread. Apparently she met at home with Berlin’s police chief Slowik – and submitted the lavish costs to the broadcaster. According to the police, Slowik was not aware that the meeting might have been of a business nature.

BErlin’s chief of police, Barbara Slowik, says she was unaware that a dinner with the recently resigned RBB director Patricia Schlesinger was apparently paid for by the broadcaster – and was not of a purely private nature. According to the “Berliner Zeitung”, Slowik was with her husband and other guests, including Charité Managing Director Heyo K. Krömer, in Schlesinger’s apartment in February.

According to “Bild”, a four-course meal including champagne and expensive wine was served on the evening in question. The commissioned catering company then invoiced 1154.87 euros. According to the report, Schlesinger did not pay the sum out of his own pocket – but had it reimbursed by the broadcaster.

The Berlin police informed the “Berliner Zeitung” via a spokesman that Slowik had the information that the dinner was ultimately paid for by the RBB “with great astonishment and irritation yesterday”.

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The authority does not want to accept criticism of the content – among other things, the question was raised of how independently a broadcaster could, for example, report abuses in the police force if the respective executive floors drank champagne together in a private setting.

It was “in no way apparent” that the meeting could have had a professional background, the police spokesman said. The chief of police and her husband have known the director and her husband privately for a long time. It was invited to the “inauguration of the new apartment with friends”, the content of the conversation there was “purely private”. “If it had even become apparent that it was a business meal at the expense of the RBB, Dr. Slowik and her husband paid their own expenses.”

Schlesinger resigned from her position as RBB director on Monday after she had previously resigned from the ARD presidency because of criticism of her conduct of office. Among other things, it was about the use of her company car, non-compliant use of her private e-mail address and a dubious bonus.

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