Reactions to Julia Faustyna’s DNA tests: Madeleine McCann’s parents break their silence

by time news

“There is nothing to report at the moment. And, if there is, it will come from the Metropolitan Police”This is how the spokesman for the McCann couple and coordinator of the ‘Find Madeleine’ campaign responded to a Facebook user who was asking about DNA testing what has been done Julia Faustyna, the young Polish woman who on February 14 presented herself as the British girl who disappeared in the Algarve (Portugal) in 2007.

When the woman -called Lynda- formulated her question, the results of the analyzes that finally showed that the girl -21 years old- is still unknown “almost 100 percent Polish”which has “negligible Lithuanian and Russian influence” and which does not exist “no connection to British or German roots”. The McCann family has not spoken until the possibility that Julia was little Maddie has been ruled out.

The representative of the couple has broken his silence to give a simple and forceful answer, in line with the discretion that the McCanns have maintained up to now. UK recently approved new funds for the investigation of cases of missing persons and all their hopes are pinned on the work being done by the police.

Meanwhile, a media war could be brewing between Fia Johansson and Julia herself. The young woman would be very disappointed with the particular detective private, which he came to describe as his “angel” and now accuses of never wanted to help her really. She draws attention to the attitude of the Persian medium, who guided a good part of Wendell’s campaign to know “the truth” and took her to Los Angeles to take care of her.

Now little seems to care how the girl may feel and is dedicated to posting on their networks all the news that is published about Julia’s anger and the accusations that have been leveled at her. She herself commented on her Instagram profile that the young woman was having a hard time digesting the results of the DNA tests and that she would have gone with her father to recover from the blow.

Just a few hours ago, Fia ya I was looking for a new cause to hook up from his home in Beverly Hills. “When you seek the truth, let our agency put you back in your comfort zone,” the ad states. “We are ready and prepared”he says, “to get the right timely and accurate information about sex trafficking and missing persons.”

It seems that the medium has put an end to this story and closed the chapter on Julia Faustyna. Behind her were, therefore, the promises that she made to him, regarding reaching the end of the matter. many issues have been unresolved, as she herself admitted in the statement with which she reported the results of the analyzes. But, as they say, she has moved on “to something else, butterfly.”

What remains to be seen is whether Julia has also given up her fight, because -although it is already clear that she is not Madeleine- over the last few weeks she has been able to confirm that there are some dark aspects in her past that deserve to be investigated and that his own family might be withholding information from him. Furthermore, both her and Fia, dropped the possibility that she could be another missing girl That wasn’t Maddie.

Is your family hiding something?

“I am Madeleine MacCann”, this is how Julia Faystyna presented herself to the world on February 14. Since then her case has been taking several unexpected turns. Especially since the Persian medium Fia Johansson entered the scene, who established herself as her spokesperson and representative. The psychic detective, who accumulates millions of followers on her social networks, turned to the investigation of the young Polish woman.

If there is something that both were clear from the beginning, it is that the family with which Julia grew up hides something. Initially due to the attitude of the mother, who refused to undergo DNA tests and convinced the rest that he didn’t either. This always according to Johansson’s version, which in an extensive statement through Instagram she also explained that the woman would have tried to corrupt the girl’s psychiatrist and would have lied about her mental problems.

The medium implied that the girl was a nuisance for the mother and her partner, and that is why she had even tried to put her in a center. “Julia’s stepfather never wanted her in the house.”, comes to ensure. Later, he also accused the specialist of having poisoned her by prescribing “35 pills a day” that he would have been taking “since he was seven years old”.

Where is your medical record?

Perhaps the most disturbing of the psychic detective’s findings concerned Julia’s medical history, in which there would be no records prior to 5 years old. Something that she would have discovered after visiting the hospital in the Polish city of Wroclaw, where the young woman would have been born 21 years ago.

This was reported by the British newspaper Daily Star and the American publication Radar Online. “It just doesn’t exist”pointed out the medium, “it’s very strange”. As he assured, his team would have had access to the history and would have verified that “from zero months to five years, everything is missing.” Nor does it appear – he added – “signature of a doctor showing that records have been removed from your file”.

“She just doesn’t exist during that period of time,” he said. A discovery that would have led both Fia and Julia to reaffirm that the young Polish woman’s family hides what she went through in the first years of her life. This leads us to think that Julia could return to the ring to try to answer the questions that have been left open.

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