Ready for the “16 week hell bootcamp”:

by time news

Six new celebrities will “take hold” of health under the direction of Martin Johnsrud Sundby.

In the new season, there are several TV profiles, such as former weather forecaster Elin Tvedt, presenter Sigurd Sollien, and journalist Fredrik Græsvik.

Comedian Egil Skurdal, who currently voices “Love Island Norway”, is also among the participants, along with Plumbo vocalist Lars Erik Blokkhus and influencer Sara Emilie Tandberg.

Græsvik finished TV 2 last year, after over 30 years as a foreign correspondent.

He refers to the reality participation as an “absolutely fantastic opportunity”.

– I am ready to do the job and believe that this will lead to a big positive change in my life, says Græsvik in the press release.

In the program, the participants will go through five different bootcamps that take place in Denmark and abroad. The participants must have a common “hairy” goal.

Had to take action

Good evening Norway has sent an inquiry to Sara Emilie Tandberg.

To her 380,000 Instagram followers, she comments on the news like this:

– I had to take a few laps with myself when this became a question. For me, it was very important that this with diet and exercise, considering the values ​​I stand for and my business is built on, not crash, says Tandberg at Instagram story.

READY FOR CHANGE: Sara Emilie Tandberg was voted “the people’s favourite” at the Vixen Awards 2023. Photo: Javad Parsa / NTB

The 31-year-old says she had no particular knowledge of the program, but likes that the concept does not focus on dieting, but a “lifestyle change”.

She describes a hectic everyday life with “disastrous” eating habits, and says she intended to take action regardless of the TV participation.

– I need to change things, both with exercise and diet, because I notice that if I don’t take care of my health now, I’ll hit the wall, Tandberg admits to the followers.

Afraid of this

Elin Tvedt, who has just turned 50, says she wants to be strong for the first time in her life, and has a goal of good health for the rest of her life.

She is happy about the community in the project, but also acknowledges that it is stressful.

– I am afraid of being the one who is in the worst shape and being the one who slows the others down, says Tvedt.

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