“Ready for you to sue me”: what caused the stormy interview between Caspit and Distel to explode

by time news

Minister of Information Galit Distal-Atebrian (Likud) was interviewed today (Thursday) on Ben Caspit’s Vinon Magal program on 103FM, and referred to the campaign she wishes to promote for the reform of the judicial system and attacked the protesters.

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“All the ministers slipped into working offices, I’m establishing an office that didn’t exist,” she said at the beginning of her remarks, “This is a crazy bureaucracy, it’s going to be quite an office with the encouragement of Netanyahu and Smotrich. We take this office very seriously. The fact that I don’t have a printer is Because I haven’t entered the office yet. But once all the bureaucracy is over, it’s going to be a very significant office, in Israel but especially abroad.”

After that, the Minister of Information was asked about her tweet according to which she claims that the Ombudsman does not allow her to campaign for legal reform, and replied: “I am not the spokesperson of the government, I am the Minister of Information, I am everyone’s minister. Therefore, a campaign that only talks about the reform, even in my eyes if it comes from my office, it has a flawed sense. The campaign that was planned, and I have been sitting on it with the best minds for quite some time, I believe in transparency, certainly in a situation where people are very frightened. I believe in transparency, in providing facts and in giving the same treatment to both positions and this is exactly the campaign that was planned – a controlled dialogue.”

Demonstration against the reform in Jerusalem (Photo: Protest)

Demonstration against the reform in Jerusalem (Photo: Protest)

“We also planned it in the digital media, also in street discourse circles, also to take someone very identified with the protest and someone against it,” she added, “simply speak so that the audience understands that at the end of the day the story is a very legitimate discussion about balances and brakes, and not the monster that is under the bed and all They are afraid of her. To discuss and argue in a controlled way about facts, I thought that such a discourse could greatly calm what is happening on the streets. I think that they did not approve it for me precisely because they are afraid of this discourse, because if it goes beyond the factual level, and the hysteria will be forgotten and we will talk, Rob The public will understand that what is happening here right now is the biggest fraud since the founding of the state.”

Ben: “Did you have a slogan for the reform campaign?” Distel replied: “Talking.” Ben: “Beautiful.”

“There is no factory for the production of information, videos, information and channels that distribute it to the whole world, the Palestinians have been ripping us off for years,” she claimed, “the ministry of information will mostly be an avenue of content people. We are going to provide dozens of videos, including all two thousand pro-Israeli information bodies in Israel and in the world, and give an initial pitch. Most of my work will be in front of the world.”

Ben: “You talked about the demonstrators being financed with Iranian or German money – what goes through your head when you write such things?”. To this the minister replied: “Let’s talk facts. I also read an investigation in Israel today from a few months ago, I didn’t talk about these demonstrations, I said that left-wing protests are usually financed or backed by many countries, including Germany and Iran.”

Ben: “Prove that the Iranians are interfering in your favor.”

Distel: “You know what? After the interview, I will publish the article describing the Iranian support for the black flag protest, and also the many articles describing the German money that goes to extreme leftist organizations and it is a lot of money, hundreds of millions.”

Ben: “When you say that the protest is financed with Iranian and German money, this is incitement.”
Distel: “No, I’m saying that the demonstrations of the left are financed by a great many external companies.”
Ben: “There is no left, how are you not informed? You are a minister in the government.”

Distel: “I repeat that according to the Israeli press, the black flag protests were backed by a windfall from Iran and Germany that funds left-wing organizations non-stop. At the end of the day, this is a reform that Matan Kahane, all members of Yamina, Sa’ar, Yair Lapid, many people who today They come out and scream the big lie ‘the end of the state’, support it. This is a reform that passed the elections, the largest demonstration by a large majority. This is a much needed reform, Israel is currently not a democratic country.”

Ben: “There are demonstrations almost everywhere in Israel. In Netanya there are six thousand people every Saturday night. This is a protest like no other, and it lasts for three weeks. How can you explain the fact that the only thing you are doing is this? And that yesterday, instead of preparing for the budget and taking care of Nablus, every The Prime Minister’s Office and 13 MKs in Likud approved another million shekels for the Netanyahu family.”

Dan Caspit (photo: “Israeli House of Prayer”)

Dan Caspit (photo: “Israeli House of Prayer”)

Distel: “I want to clarify, the occupation of the Prime Minister’s residence, especially after the last year and a half that no one cared, there was some three-minute item on Channel 12, leave it, this hypocrisy, the media’s selective enforcement, the focus you have on us, it’s so Embarrassing, unfortunate. The press in Israel is dead. There are currently three channels that functioned for the Yesh Atid party, I really think that the media in Israel does not reflect these demonstrations, it produces them with a screen of lies and panic, ads that cost millions.”

“The disparities here are very clear and they are very detrimental to us, we know it, we work from that,” she added, “the government is an excellent government. If everyone didn’t care about the 52 million that were poured out because Bennett’s children did not want to move to Jerusalem, then really right now there is no An official residence for Prime Minister Netanyahu because Lapid and Bennett did not really want to live in Balfour and Balfour was standing and not renovated and currently it needs the minimum possible as a residence. The fact that people are opening their eyes to this – it’s embarrassing.”

Ben: “The lies are abhorrent level 9 out of 10”.
Distel: “Balfour renovated?”.
Ben: “These are terrible lies.”
Distel: “Wait, I’m asking. You’re accusing me of a heavy accusation and I’d love to know what exactly.”
Ben: “Because you have immunity and I don’t.”
Distel: “We are currently stopping this interview. Are you accusing Sara of Israel as a liar?”

Ben: “Since you have immunity and Bennett cannot sue you, I solemnly announce, I take it upon myself and ask that you sue me for saying that you now lied. Bennett and Lapid have nothing to do with Balfour’s renovation, the renovation was supposed to take place years before. They renovated her Caesarea and then She did not agree to leave Balfour. On the cusp of the change of government, Bennett agreed to the Shin Bet’s plea not to move to Balfour, and suddenly you agree that Balfour should be renovated. I’m waiting for the lawsuit.”

Galit Distel-Atbarian (Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, Knesset Spokesperson)

Galit Distel-Atbarian (Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, Knesset Spokesperson)

Distel: “I have no interest in suing you.”
Ben: “It’s a shame, because then it will become clear who is lying.”
Distel: “You have a tendency and not from today to take something that was said and make a demagogue out of it, to argue and sound right. This is dishonest conduct. You should be ashamed of the fact that you called me a liar, because everything I said is the absolute truth.”

Ben: “You know Bennett didn’t get a shekel.”
Distel: “I didn’t claim. You’re doing it again.”
Ben: “You claimed they didn’t want to move to Balfour.”
Distel: “True.”
Ben: “That’s why they don’t renovate Balfour”

Distel: “I know you don’t want to let me talk. Bennett didn’t move to Jerusalem because his children and family didn’t want to live there and it cost the state 52 million. That’s the truth.”
Ben: “An abominable lie, which Satan has not yet created.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103FM

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