Real estate boom, construction without standards!

by time news

2023-04-28 00:56:59

Last Thursday, April 20, a building under construction collapsed in the Kaley Est district of Niamey, unfortunately causing the death of five people and many injuries. This collapse occurred while the work was on 2th level. This sad event looks like déjà vu. This is not the first case in Niamey and it may not be the last in view of the countless buildings that are springing up in the Nigerien capital. There is a saying that when the construction sector is going well, everything is going well in the country.

But this should not distract players from the other aspect of this ”real estate boom”, namely the safety of users. And unfortunately, this is where the shoe pinches. Indeed, many promoters do not follow all the procedures required for the erection of these buildings. This is how buildings are often built without any in-depth technical study or soil survey, let alone a building permit in good and due form.

Worse, during construction, many developers only seek to minimize costs. This is how they play with the materials, often using rebar that is not suited to the type of construction, by playing with the dosage of concrete or the number of concrete beams or chainings, etc. In short, they follow the informal tips offered to them by often illiterate masons instead of the wise advice of a construction engineer or an architect, which they find more expensive. They also clear themselves of the technical controls of the specialists and stick only to their own desires.

This is how we end up with buildings for public use (for the needs of the administration, shops and often even schools) that are not suitable for said use. Buildings with cramped or poorly designed stairs, homemade electrical installations, buildings without the minimum of fire safety equipment, emergency exit or refuge, etc.

And when the tragedy occurs, innocent people lose their lives and at best their property because of the greed of the promoters but also the laxity of the competent services responsible for regulating this sector.

This situation should challenge the public authorities but also the professional orders, in particular that of Engineers and Architects.

Siraji Sanda(one)

#Real #estate #boom #construction #standards

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