Real news! The Ministry of Health has a guideline for the hospital. Accepting people with smallpox monkey admin as inpatients

by time news

If anyone has a suspicious history and had symptoms related to smallpox When coming to the hospital for examination All subjects are requested to be admitted to the hospital as an inpatient (admit) first while waiting for the results from the scientific laboratory. which, when confirmed May require further treatment in the hospital. or can be treated in the form of home isolation

Today (August 2), Thailand’s Anti-Fake News Center revealed that according to information in the media about the issue of the Ministry of Health. There is a guideline for the hospital. Accepting people with smallpox monkey admin as inpatients The Anti-Fake News Center conducted a fact check by the Medical Department. Ministry of Health found that such issues is real

The Department of Medical Services has communicated with doctors across the country. In the event that a person with a suspected history is found and symptoms associated with smallpox When coming to the hospital for examination All subjects are requested to be admitted to the hospital as an inpatient (admit) first while waiting for the results from the scientific laboratory. which, when confirmed May require further treatment in the hospital. If there are symptoms or complications or can be treated in the form of Home isolation, because according to most of the monkey pox data Patients usually heal on their own within 2-4 weeks.

In addition, the drug currently being prepared for the treatment of smallpox patients It is a drug that is being tried abroad. especially in the United States and Europe. which is a preparation in case of a severely infected patient There are both oral and injectable forms of medicine. As for the smallpox vaccine, the Department of Disease Control is in the process of assessing the situation and the need for the vaccine to prevent monkeypox.

However, monkey pox is like a common viral infection. that in some cases may experience severe symptoms which may have an infection in the bloodstream and patients are at high risk can cause death but if it is an infection in a healthy person will not result in a severe infection But there is a condition that can see blisters on the body and monkey pox It is a virus that patients can recover on their own.

In order for the public to receive information from the Medical Department Ministry of Health can be tracked on the website or call 0-2590-6000

Inspection Agency, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health

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