Real Oviedo is looking for a mascot among sandpipers, capercaillie and other animals: these are the four finalist designs

by time news

One of the finalists for Oviedo’s mascot
Real Oviedo

Real Oviedo is looking for a mascot that connects with the spirits of its fans and for this it has asked its followers for help in recent weeks. Through a participatory process in which anyone could send their sketches and ideas to the club, a procedure has begun that will end up revealing the identity of the winner. This afternoon, the club has made public the identities of the finalists. It is a capercaillie and two sacaveras. In the coming days, the Carbayona entity will announce the winning design.

At the moment, the finalists are known to be the following:

One of the final designs Real Oviedo

One of the final designs Real Oviedo

One of the final designs Real Oviedo

One of the final designs Real Oviedo

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