Rebbe Biala 22 Yeshivot in Jerusalem • All Shabbat events and times of receiving the Torah

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In the courtyards of the rebbes and followers:

Satmar: The male joy of peace on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of the Rebbe of Satmar, the son of his grandson Rabbi Lipa Ashkenazi, the son-in-law of the Haraz Rabbi Hanoch Haenich Ashkenazi, the Rabbi of the Avni Tzedek High School, the son-in-law of the Rabbi S Karov, will be held at Beit Midrash Satmar in Kiryat Yoel Monoro.

Vi’Znitz: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the Rebbe’s great-grandson from the history of Avraham Yitzchak, the grandson of Rabbi Eliezer Zvi Toiv Rabbi Kalov Beitar, the son of the Rebbe of Kalov for the Reposh, the son-in-law of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum , son of Rabbi Rabbi Naafelamitz, with the granddaughter of the Rebbe of Moiznitz, daughter of his great son Rabbi Chaim Meir Hagar Rabbi Kiryat Vizhnitz Bnei Brak, son-in-law of Rabbi Rabbi Nirvator, will be held in the court “D Hagol in the Vizhnitz housing complex in Bnei Brak.

Babov – 45 – Rachmastrivka: Shabbat Sheva blessings for the grandson of the Rebbe of Babov – 45, the son of his son Rabbi Yaakov Yitzhak Sternbuch, the head of the Benin Avot Vizhnitz Kaiyimisha Yeshiva, the son of the Rabbi Asher Haim Sternbuch Dometz in the audience of the religious holders of Antwerp and Rabbi Bihamad Ahl Ya’akov, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Ostrava Kaloshin, with the daughter of the Rebbe Rabbi Itamar Mordechai David Rubin, son of the Rebbe of Solitsa, son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Berel Tversky Abd Rachmastrivka Lakewood, son of the Rebbe of Rachmastrivka, The son-in-law of the Rebbe of Strelisk. It will be held at the Great Rahmastrivaka Beit Midrash in Lakewood, New Jersey.

Byala: Shabbat seven blessings to the son of Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Wazner, son of the Rebbe of the Levi tribe, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Bohush, with the daughter of Rabbi Yosef Rabinowitz, son of the Rebbe of Byala, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kopitashnitz. It will be held in the Great Beit Midrash Dahasidi Biala on Yaakovzon Street in Jerusalem.

Ndvorna: In the courtyard of the Ndvorna Hasidic community, Shabbat Shabbat Taharno will be held to strengthen against the ravages of technology with words of encouragement in honor of Shabbat receiving the Torah.

Kretshnif: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the grandson of the Rebbe of Darag, the son-in-law of the Rebbe Rabbi Mordechai Klein Abd Vasharaali, with the great-granddaughter of the Rebbe of Rechmastrivka ZIA, and the grandson of the Rebbe Rabbi Mattiyo Tversky Abd Rechmastrivka Bitar, daughter of his son Hara “Rabbi Yochanan Tversky, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Kretshnif Kiryat Gat zt’l. It will be held at the Beit Midrash Kretshnif Kiryat Gat.

Wizenitz in Beit Shemesh: The Rebbe of Wizenitz Beit Shemesh who is on his holy journey in Poland will sit together with Hasidic governors who donate to the Vizenitz institutions in Beit Shemesh in the town of Dinov in Poland. Close and visible is the commemoration of the HaK Shech HaRaK Ha’bani Issachar ZIA.

Biala 2B: The Rebbe of Biala 2B yeshivot in Jerusalem, on the occasion of the Hila Kadisha of the Zekino HaRak of the ‘Kedusht Hakhalat Yehoshua’ of Biala ZIA, the prayers and tishes will be held in the Beit Midrash of Biala on Abinadav Street in Jerusalem, on Shabbat night a Tish Yarzeit will be held On the occasion of Hilula Kaddisha.

Pittsburgh – Kretshniff Jerusalem – Maor Haim: Shabbat Sheva blessings for the daughter of the rebbe from Pittsburgh, the son-in-law of the Rebbe Kretshnif of Jerusalem, with the son of Rabbi Pinchas Ernster, the son of Rabbi Eliezer Ernster Abd Maor Haim Safed, the son-in-law of Hera Rabbi Chaim Halperin Abd Radomishla London, will be held at Beit Midrash Pittsburgh in the 7th district of Ashdod.

The Levi tribe: Shabbat will be observed in the Hasidim of the Levi tribe the Shabbat that is the day before the day before the day before the Hailula Kadisha of the Levitical thinker and Gab’d Zichron Meir ztzal, which will take place on Thursday the 25th of the tribe next week, hundreds of Hasidim will come to huddle in the shadow of his son, the Rebbe of the Levi tribe continues in his footsteps for Shabbat The rabbinical assembly, all the prayers and the arrangement of the tables will be held in the Great Beit Midrash Hall of the Shebet Halevi in ​​the Zichron Meir neighborhood of Bnei Brak.

Bnei Brak: The peace memorial on the occasion of the birth of the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, the son of his beloved Rabbi Avraham Stern, the son-in-law of the Rabbi Meziditchoiv, will be held at the Mativata Hospital in Bnei Brak.

Miron: Shabbat seven blessings on the occasion of my marriage Daughter of Mera Datra Kadisha Miron Rabbi Tovia Stern, eldest son of Rabbi Meir Stern zt’l, the mythological rabbi of Miron for more than a jubilee.

Pinsk Karlin: The Rebbe of Pinsk Karlin, who is on a visit to New York for the benefit of his institutions, will sit in Sigegate to rest.

Garlitz: The Rebbe of Garlitz yeshvot in Kiryat Belza Jerusalem on the occasion of Shabbat Sheva blessings to his grandson.

Bastean: The Rebbe of Bastean from Beitar yeshivat on Shabbat together with his associates to rest in Jerusalem.

Zanz: HaRatz Rabbi Yosef Dov Halberstam Abd Zanz USA will sit in the Shabak in Kiryat Zanz Tiberias, where there will be a Shabbat strengthening among the members of the community in honor of the Shabbat of receiving the Torah.

Beitar: The influential rabbi Rabbi Elimelech Biderman will sit in the city of Beitar for a Shabbat for Shabbat receiving the Torah and will hold a bata and a meal at the Freiman community center on Hachoza Street in Lublin on Hill B in Beitar.

Stochin: The Rebbe from the history of Yehuda Stochin, who stays among his followers in the Land of Israel, yeshivots in Jerusalem, the prayers and the tishish will be held in the tent of the Pinsk Karlin court in the Beit Yisrael neighborhood.

Myalen: The Rebbe of Myalen, who is visiting London, will sit in the Stamford Hill neighborhood, the prayers and tishes will be held in the Kretshnif synagogue.

Maalitz: The conversion to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Maalitz, the son of his son Rabbi Shalom Ari Leibush Lemberger, the son of the Hagaz Abd Makava 22 Zetzal, with the daughter of the Hagaz Rabbi Yaakov Elazar Rotenberg the Rebbe Makasani B.V., the son-in-law of the Rebbe of Chernabile, will be held at the Melitz Court in the 7th district of Ashdod.

Tameshwar: The conversion to the Torah for the grandson of the Rebbe of Tameshwar, son of his son Rabbi Yitzhak Meir Leifer, son-in-law of Rabbi Naftali Mandelovich of Turka, with the daughter of Rabbi Yaakov Katz, son of Rabbi Eliyahu Katz zt’al Gab’d Shikhun Kiryat Yoel Satmar Bnei Brak. It will be held at the Temeshvar Court on Sokolov Street in Bnei Brak.

Alexander – Zwehail – Antenia – Elesak: to the Rabbi Yohanan Teitelbaum, son of the Rebbe of Esek Jerusalem, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Antonia, with the daughter of the Rebbe Rabbi Yaakov Leib Goldman, son of the Rebbe of Zweheil, son-in-law of the Rebbe from Alexander, will be held at Zwaheil Court on Shmuel Hanavi Street in Jerusalem.

Satmar: The Rebbe of Satmar is resting in Miami.

Pshevarsk: The Rebbe of Pshevarsk will rest in France.

Wien: The Rebbe of Wien rests in Palm Springs, California.

Makhnovka Belza: The Rebbe of Makhnovka Belza who is visiting his followers in the USA, yeshivat in Lakewood, New Jersey.

Vizhnitz Jerusalem: The Rebbe of Vizhnitz from Jerusalem will rest in Palm Springs, California.

Vizhnitz: The Rebbe of Vizhnitz from London will sit in the Shin Bet among the students of the Yeshiva “Beit Israel” in Bruce in London.

Kretshnif Jerusalem: The Rebbe of Kretshnif Jerusalem will sit among his followers in Bnei Brak, the prayers and tishish will be held in his seminary house on Hashala Street in the city.

Hatam Sofer Circle: The Rebbe of the Hatam Sofer Circle will meet in the city of Elad, on the occasion of Shabbat Sheva Blessings for his grandson, the prayers and the setting of the tables will be held in his seminary in the city of Elad.

Chernabile: Rabbi Aharon Tversky, son of the Rebbe of Chernabile yeshivot in Monsi. The prayers and the Bata will be held at the Beit Midrash Chernabile in Monsey.

Satmar: Rabbi Chaim Zvi Teitelbaum, Rabbi of Satmar Jerusalem and the eldest son of the Rebbe of Satmar, who is visiting among the Hasidic of Satmar in Jerusalem, on the occasion of Shabbat ‘for their generations’ to strengthen themselves against the ravages of technology.

Ashdod: The Chasidic Gaon Rabbi Daniel Chaim Alter Rabbi Peni Menachem will sit in the city of Ashdod on the occasion of a celebration at his residence, the prayers and holding a third meal in the hall at 4 Hesda Street in Ashdod.

Veyen: Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Katz, the eldest son of the Rebbe of Veyen, sits in Monsi on the occasion of Shabbat unity among the members of the community, The prayers and the Bata and three feasts will be held in a Midrash Wayan in the city.

Dinov: Shabbat Sheva blessings to Rabbi Yoel Labin, son of the Rebbe of Balochov and Williamsburg, Rebbe Rabbi Yisrael Sinai Vogshal, with the daughter of Rebbe Rabbi Ya’akov Israel Teitelbaum, son of Rebbe Abd Wallave, son-in-law of the Rebbe R. Medinov, will be held at the Great Court in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn.

Khadrov: Shabbat Sheva blessings to the son of the Rabbi Ya’akov Yehezki’ Ungar Rosh Kölil Vizhnitz London, son of the Rebbe of Neitra, son-in-law of the Rebbe of Maerlev, with the daughter of the Rabbi Pinchas Shalom Eichenstein Rabbi Khodrov Chicago, son of the Rebbe Rabbi Mezidtschoiv Chicago, the son-in-law of the HC Rabbi Eliyahu Sternbuch zt’al Rab’d Antwerp, will be held at Beit Midrash Hadrov in Chicago, the Rebbe Maraloi and Neitra will sit in Chicago on the occasion of the celebration.

In the courts of the great men of Israel, the rabbis and yeshivas:

Mexico: The tzaddik genius Chacham Nissim ben Shimon lives in Mexico where he is staying for a strengthening visit among the ultra-Orthodox community there.

Bnei Brak: Rabbi Shmuel Aryeh Levin, head of the Hafetz Chaim yeshiva in Argentina and one of the leaders of ultra-Orthodox Judaism in Latin America, has arrived here for a visit to the Holy Land.

Bnei Brak: HaShalom was remembered on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of the great teacher Rabbi Yitzhak Zilberstein, grandson of his son-in-law Rabbi Dov Meir Tannenbaum, The son of his son Rabbi Avraham Yaakov Tannenbaum, the son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Daniel Yaakovovitz Rabbi Nachalat Binyamin, will be held at the Rambam Yeshiva Hanichi Synagogue in Bnei Brak.

Bnei Brak: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of Rabbi Amram Farid, the son of HaPosk HaGaon, with the daughter of Rabbi Avraham Greenberg.

Yad Aharon: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of his first grandson, Rabbi Aharon Ostern, rabbi of the Beit Midrash ‘Yad Aharon’ in the Ramat Aharon neighborhood of Bnei Brak and the head of the ‘Archot Torah’ yeshiva, son of his son Rabbi Moshe Ostern of the Ponivaz yeshiva, the son-in-law of the Gaon Rabbi Shlomo Weintraub.

Chazon Ish: Shabbat Sheva Blessings on the occasion of the marriage of Ben HaGaon Rabbi Shaul Karlitz, head of the Chazon Ish, will be held at the Hachiel Chazon Ish in Bnei Brak.

Zichron Michael: Shabbat Sheva blessings on the occasion of the marriage of the great-grandson of the Garach Greinman ztzel, grandson of his son-in-law The Gaon Rabbi Yosef Chaim ben Dov, head of Yeshiva Zichron Michael, son of his son-in-law Rabbi Yona Yehoshua Goldstein Rabbi of Yeshiva Zichron Ben HaGaon Rabbi Zvi Goldstein Rabbi of Salvodka community in Elad

Bnei Brak: Shabbat seven blessings On the occasion of the marriage of the granddaughter of Rabbi Jacob Yisrael Pozan, daughter of his son Rabbi Reuven Tovia Pozan of Rabbi Zichron Ya’akov.

Bnei Brak: HaShalom was remembered on the occasion of the birth of the great-grandson of Garech Greiniman The late grandson of his son Rabbi Yehoshua Aharon Greinman and the grandson of the Gaon Rabbi Yaakov Zilberberg Rosh Yeshiva Tefarat Yaakov in Zichron Ya’akov, will be held at Beit Rabbi Greinman in Bnei Brak.

Tosefet Shabbat: According to the instruction of the elders of Israel, the Shabbat must be taken early for the treatment of Rabbi Faiga Tzipora Bat Hadassah Lau, the wife of a member of the Belahta Chief Rabbi HaGaon Rabbi David Lau, who is still in need of the abundant mercy of Heaven.

The public figures, the Mashbakim, the journalists and the businessmen:

Mazal Tov greeting to MK Uriel Bosso Chairman of the Health Committee on the occasion of the happy birth of the granddaughter.

Mazal Tov blessing to MK Moshe Shimon Roth on the occasion of the joy of the birth of the grandchildren: a grandson and a granddaughter who were born this week to his sons from Bnei Brak and Beit Shemesh. The Shalom Zechar and the Kiddush will be held at the Sanz Hospital on Yehuda Halevi St. in Bnei Brak.

A Mazal Tov blessing for Meir Eshayek, the trustee of the house of the Rosh Yeshiva Hagar Edelstein and the son of Rabbi Yehezkel Eshayek, on the occasion of the joy of the birth of a daughter in Sha’atom.

A Mazel Tov blessing to the writer ‘The Harbinger’ Yosef Meir Haas on the occasion of the happy Bar Mitzvah for his son at a good and successful time, the happy Bar Mitzvah will take place on Sunday.

A warm and heartfelt Mazal Tov blessing to Rabbi Yoschel Huisman of the Lakewood Kingdom of Torah scholars and a thoughtful and devoted Hasidic on the occasion of the joyous birth of a daughter at a good time.

A happy birthday to Aharon Weinberger, VP of Marketing on the ‘Ba Hadari Haredim’ website, on the occasion of the joy of the birth of a daughter at a good and successful time.

Congratulations to Moti Albom, CEO of Hebra Kadisha in Kfar Saba, on the occasion of his granddaughter’s happy marriage this week.

Congratulations to David Schreiber, CEO of the famous charity organization ‘Hasadi Ish’ in Beitar, on the occasion of the joy of the birth of a son at a good and auspicious time. HaShalom Zechar will be held on Saturday night in the Clovis of Teferat Aharon Bayan.

A happy birthday to Mandy Cohen on the occasion of the happy birth of her son at a good time. Peace was remembered on Shabbat night at Vizhnitz Hospital on Rabbi Tarpon Street in Bnei Brak.

Shabbat entry and exit times for Parshat Yethro Tasfg in Israel and around the world:

Jerusalem – Saturday entry: 16:46 | Shabbat departure: 17:59 | RT: 18:38

Bnei Brak – Saturday entrance: 17:00 | Saturday departure: 18:00 | RT: 18:35

Modi’in Ilit – Shabbat entry: 16:54 | Saturday departure: 18:00 | RT: 18:37

Petah Tikva and Elad – Shabbat entrance: 16:46 | Shabbat departure: 17:59 | RT: 18:38

Haifa – Saturday entrance: Saturday entrance: 16:52 | Shabbat departure: 17:59 | RT: 18:35

Ashdod – Saturday entry: 17:02 | Saturday departure: 18:01 | RT: 18:37

Safed – Saturday entry: 16:52 | Shabbat departure: 17:57 | RT: 18:35

Tel Aviv – Saturday entrance: 17:00 | Saturday departure: 18:00 | RT: 18:35

Be’er Sheva – Saturday entry: 17:06 | Saturday departure: 18:01 | RT: 18:39

New York – Saturday entry: 17:06 | Saturday departure: 18:07

London – Saturday entry: 16:48 | Saturday departure: 17:58

Antwerp – Saturday entry: 17:30 | Saturday departure: 18:41

Zurich – Saturday entrance: 17:27 | Saturday departure: 6:30 p.m

Paris – Saturday entry: 17:46 | Saturday departure: 18:53

Moscow – Saturday entry: 17:07 | Shabbat departure: 18:22

The public is called to add and advance to accept Shabbat half an hour before sunset to benefit and heal the sick of his people Israel.

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