Rebbe Moiznitz is hospitalized: the value of the prayers and ’tishim’ in his room

by time news

The Rebbe of Moiznitz, who has been hospitalized since Wednesday at the “Springs of Salvation,” was staying at the Bnei Brak Medical Center on Saturday.

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His family and the GSS participated in the prayers, in a special order.

The Rebbe held all the prayers and ‘shulchanot’ in his room.

In front of the ark, the family members – the Haggadah Av Beit Elad, who prayed the prayers on Shabbat morning, heard from the Rebbe in Kiddusha Rabba “Milin Yakirin” to deliver to the Hasidic congregation in the Great Shabbat Sermon.

At Kiddusha Rabba, various foods were served to the rabbi.

When Rabbi Elad returned to participate in the editing of ‘The Tish’ by Reva Darawin, the Rebbe inquired whether he had given his words and the content of the sermon.

In honor of Rawa Darwin, the Rebbe gestured for the audience to begin, with the blessing of food the High Priest Av Beit Din of Ashdod was honored, and the evening prayer of the High Priest Av Beit Elad. Participants moved on to the ‘A Gotte Wach’ blessing.

The Rebbe differentiated on the glass.

According to the Hasidim, the Rebbe will return to his home in the coming days.

The Shabbat was before the hymn of the author of the above-mentioned ‘Imrei Chaim’, but the Rebbe will not hold a Tish T. Nissan tomorrow.

The Rebbe of Viznitz was evacuated to a hospital last Tuesday, after feeling unwell while receiving a crowd at his home in Kiryat Viznitz in Bnei Brak. The Rebbe suffered from difficulty breathing and was assisted by oxygen. After tests, he was released to his home during the night, but returned to the hospital the next day.

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