Recognizing and Treating Summer Flu: Symptoms and Prevention Guide

by time news

2023-07-29 10:45:03
The summer flu, also known as a flu-like infection, is not just a winter illness. It can occur in spring, summer, or early autumn and is caused by enteroviruses that thrive in warm temperatures. Unlike the real flu, which affects the whole body and can be life-threatening, the summer flu typically only infects the upper respiratory tract and presents with gradually appearing symptoms.

According to, symptoms of summer flu are similar to those of a cold and may include coughing, runny nose, hoarseness, fever, gastrointestinal problems, loss of appetite, headaches, and body aches. Children are more likely to get summer flu than adults.

The incubation period for summer flu is typically three to six days, during which time infected individuals are already contagious. The illness is self-limiting and usually resolves within a few days. While medication, nose drops, warm drinks, and rest can help alleviate symptoms, there is no known way to speed up recovery from the summer flu.

It is important to note that antibiotics are ineffective against viruses, including the ones that cause summer flu. If symptoms persist, especially if accompanied by a fever that lasts longer than three days, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

To protect oneself from summer flu, it is recommended to maintain good hygiene practices, such as washing hands regularly with soap, keeping frequently touched surfaces clean, and avoiding close contact with sick individuals. Additionally, keeping dry mucous membranes, avoiding drafts, and not sharing cups or bottles can reduce the risk of infection. Strengthening the immune system through a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep can also help ward off illnesses.

Once an individual has recovered from the summer flu, they develop immunity to the specific strain of the virus causing the infection. However, it is still possible to be infected by other strains of the same type of virus in the future.

While summer flu may not be as severe as the real flu, it is important to recognize its symptoms and take appropriate measures to prevent its spread and ensure a quick recovery.]
#Recognize #symptoms #quickly

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