Recognizing the Symptoms and Risks of Stroke in Women: Importance of Early Hospitalization

by time news

2023-06-19 09:02:26

Then the list does not end. According to the Heart Foundation, these symptoms are also part of a stroke:

A paralysis or less strength in one leg A numbness on one side of the body Poor vision, being blind in one eye or double vision An epileptic attack (coincidence) Hard to talk to Nicky (32) had a stroke: ‘People don’t see that everything is me. now takes extra effort’Read also


According to Wermer, people with these complaints do not always ring the bell immediately, but sometimes wait in the hope that they will disappear. They look for a logical explanation for it, such as fatigue. “That’s because with a stroke, unlike a heart attack, for example, you hardly feel any pain. Except for a headache, but people do not quickly make the link with a cerebral infarction. Characteristic is an acute headache.”

Women in particular suffer from ‘vague symptoms’ in addition to the normal symptoms of a stroke, says the neurologist. “As a result, people are more likely to think of migraines or problems with the balance organ. The cause is sometimes also psychologically sought, such as stress, depression or burnout. That’s a shame, because nowadays we can do a lot if you get to the hospital on time. That is why recognition is so important, because that way we prevent permanent damage as much as possible.”

Risk factors

In 2012, according to figures from the Heart Foundation, 3,826 men died of a stroke. That is considerably less than the number of women: 5,128. Women have more risk factors. “Men mainly have to deal with the ‘classic’ risk factors for a stroke, such as being overweight, smoking or high blood pressure. In addition, women have a number of specific risk factors.”

For example, women have an increased risk of stroke after pregnancy problems, such as preeclampsia. But also when they have migraine with aura, especially in combination with smoking and hormones, such as the pill. Women are also at increased risk after menopause. “More is not yet known. Much research remains to be done on the role of hormones and menopause on stroke.”


Women are often hospitalized later, which increases the mortality rate. “First of all, because the complaints are sometimes less recognized. In addition, men often die earlier than women, which means that older women more often live alone. Then there is no one to call.”

It is therefore important for women to know their own body. “Know your numbers. Measure your blood pressure when you are over forty and know what your personal risk factors are. When sudden failure and paralysis symptoms occur, this is a clear sign. The first few hours are crucial. The sooner you are in the hospital, the better the chance of recovery.”

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Catching up

The fact that women still have to look after themselves a lot is characteristic of the lack of knowledge. “Doctors are often not aware of the additional risk factors in women. There is evidence that women worldwide are undertreated for stroke. For example, they are less likely to receive medication for cholesterol or heart palpitations than men.” Whether this problem occurs in the Netherlands has not yet been investigated.

“Care must improve when you talk about the gender difference,” continues Wermer. ” We are happy to see that there is increasing attention and awareness for this, but the amount of research into women is still disappointing. It is often only afterwards that the differences between gender are considered in a study. Actually, this should be taken into account before the start of the research.”

First hours

The first hours during a stroke are crucial. The sooner you are in the hospital, the greater the chance of recovery. “Due to the new treatment options, there are now people who enter the hospital paralyzed and leave on foot. But if you only come after two days, for example, there is a greater chance that part of the brain has died.”

That is why it is important to recognize the symptoms of a stroke well. Do you suddenly experience failure and paralysis symptoms? Then call 112 as soon as possible to prevent or limit damage. In case of doubt or persistent ‘vague’ complaints, contact your doctor. Prevention is better than cure.

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