Recognizing Your Fertile Days: Symptoms to Boost Pregnancy Chances

by time news

2024-02-01 09:38:44

It’s always useful to know when your fertile days are, especially if you’re trying to get pregnant. Fortunately, your body often indicates through subtle indications whether you are in your fertile period. Here are some symptoms to look out for so you can recognize your fertile days and increase your chances of conception.

Good to know

To increase the chance of pregnancy, it is beneficial to have sex before ovulation. Good quality sperm can have a great time in the vagina, so once they get there, they stay alive for a while. In the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes, the sperm cells retain their fertilization capacity for another two days and remain alive for up to five days. So sex before ovulation can increase the chance of fertilization when the egg is released. It is advisable to have sex regularly during the fertile period, approximately five days before expected ovulation until the day of ovulation itself, to maximize the chances of pregnancy.

Symptoms to recognize your fertile days

If you want to have children, it is useful to know when your fertile days are. You can recognize them by these symptoms:

Changes in cervical mucus

Your discharge changes around ovulation. During your fertile days, cervical mucus can change from thick and sticky to thin and slippery, similar to egg whites. You can read here exactly what cervical mucus is. In any case, it is important to know that this mucus promotes the transport of sperm.

Increase in basal body temperature

Your basal body temperature (also called BLT) rises slightly after ovulation. By measuring your temperature daily, you can notice an increase, which automatically indicates your fertile days.

Sensitive breasts and nipples

During your fertile days you may also notice changes in your breasts and nipples. Some women experience tenderness, swelling, or a tingling sensation. These changes are often attributed to hormonal fluctuations, especially the increase in estrogen. It is important to note that not all women experience these symptoms and breast tenderness can also be affected by other factors such as stress or hormonal birth control.

Ovulation pain

Ovulation pain, too middle pain is a common symptom during fertile days. It is a kind of pain on one side of the lower abdomen that occurs during ovulation. This pain can range from a dull sensation to sharp stabbing pains. Not all women experience it, but it can be an additional indication that you are having fertile days.

Higher libido

A high (or higher) libido is a common characteristic of fertile days. Women may experience increased sexual desire during this period (hallelujah!), which can of course contribute to the chances of fertilization. Hormonal changes, such as the increase in estrogen, can increase sex drive. So if you find yourself more interested in intimate moments, it could well coincide with your fertile days. The body sometimes gives subtle signals that it is time for something sexy time.

Positive ovulation test

Ovulation tests measure the amount of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine. A spike in LH indicates that ovulation is near. Such a test can be useful if you would like to know exactly when you are ovulating.

Softer cervix

A change in the texture of the cervix can also be an indication of fertile days. During ovulation, the cervix becomes softer, more open and wetter. This is a natural response to the hormonal fluctuations that occur during the fertile period. If during self-examination you notice that the cervix feels softer than normal, this could be a sign that you are in a fertile phase of your menstrual cycle. It can be a useful addition to other symptoms to recognize your fertile days.

Menstrual cycle tracking

Remember that every body is unique and not all women will experience the same symptoms. To understand exactly what is happening in your body each month, it is useful to keep track of your menstrual cycle. This way you can better predict your fertile days and increase your chances of pregnancy. If you want to get pregnant (or not), you can calculate your fertile days in different ways.

Remember that fertility is a complex process and it is always wise to seek advice from a medical professional if you have any doubts or concerns.

Bron: Healthline, NHS, Mayo Clinic

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