Recommendations for air pollution in Guatemala – 2024-04-07 13:58:31

by times news cr

2024-04-07 13:58:31

He National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology ―INSIVUMEH― alerted Guatemalans on April 4 about the high air pollution that had appeared in Guatemala in recent days.

Due to the damage to health that can be caused by atmospheric pollutionHere we share some recommendations for you to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Insivumeh reported on the high air pollution detected in recent days in Guatemala

On the night of April 4, Insivumeh issued a special bulletin in which it informed Guatemalans about the air pollution that was occurring in the country. According to the information shared, in the Air Quality Index (AQI)during the last days of March and beginning of April, the air quality in Guatemala It is within the category of “Very Bad” which is considered harmful to health.

That same day, the institution indicated that in Guatemala City there was a presence of haze, which could occur as a consequence of air pollution and could cause irritation in the respiratory tract for sensitive groups such as people with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, children and people of the Third Age.

Haze, which is essentially a light, scattered fog, forms when moist air cools and water vapor condenses into small droplets suspended in the air. While haze can occur naturally under certain atmospheric conditions, air pollution can influence its formation and composition, as well as its effects on human health and the environment.

As indicated by Insivumeh in one of its bulletins on April 4, “in urban areas this haze can occur as a product of air pollution, due to the presence of particulate matter. “The presence of haze reduces visibility, causing a dull appearance in the environment.”

Recommendations to protect your health and that of your family members

Given the aforementioned situation, the Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance of Guatemala has shared some important recommendations to protect the health and well-being of the population:

  • Reduce exposure: Stay indoors as much as possible and avoid outdoor activities, especially in areas where a higher concentration of haze is observed
  • Keep the windows closed: As far as possible, keep the windows of your home or workplace closed to prevent the entry of contaminated air.
  • Wear a mask outdoors: If you need to go outside, especially in urban areas or with high concentrations of haze, consider wearing a mask to reduce inhalation of polluting particles.
Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: poster with MSPAS recommendations. (Credit: Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance)
  • Communicate the situation: Inform people close to you who may be more susceptible, such as those with chronic respiratory diseases or pregnant women, to take necessary precautions
  • Treat the symptoms: If you experience respiratory or eye symptoms, such as throat irritation, cough, red eyes or difficulty breathing, seek medical attention at the nearest health service.
Description of the photo for people with visual disabilities: poster with MSPAS recommendations. (Credit: Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance)

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You can watch the program on television on: Channel 30 on Tigo and Channel 46 on Claro. In addition, you can see it on the internet from

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