Record: 950 Jews ascended the Temple Mount • Police arrested 21 Arab rioters

by time news

This morning (Thursday), during the beginning of the visits of Jews to the Temple Mount, dozens of Arab rioters began chanting incitement and disturbing public order, throwing stones and other objects at the police forces securing the visits and maintaining security and order in the area.

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Violators were soon repulsed, entered the mosque and began to riot and throw objects out of it, damaging the mosque.

As a result of the violent disturbance, two policemen were lightly injured and required medical treatment.

The police worked to restore order and in the last hours it was quiet in the place.

During the last few hours, 21 suspects, adults and minors, were arrested by the Jerusalem District Police on suspicion of taking an active part in the disturbances, throwing stones, chairs and other objects at the forces, barricading themselves and rioting on the spot.

The arrested suspects were taken for questioning by police.

A total of 950 Jews ascended the Temple Mount today. This is a new record, when last year it rose to about 250.

In a meeting between the head of the Temple Mount administration, Rabbi Shimshon Elboim, and the district commander, he praised the activities of the security forces and their defense of freedom of movement and worship with dedication and sacrifice of days and nights in a row.

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