Record expenses of Israelis on the eve of the holiday: How much did they spend in one minute?

by time news

According to data from the ISA, there were record expenses for the Israeli public before Pesach: an increase of 18.8% in morning expenses on credit cards compared to last year, the busiest minute was 10:59 when they spent a record NIS 2.4 million

Shopping Prey: Data from the Shaba (Automatic Banking Services) Company, the director of the national credit card payment system, show that this morning (Friday), credit card shopping loads were recorded.

Between the hours of 8:00 and 11:00, expenses in the amount of NIS 278.9 million were recorded in the ISA systems. On the eve of Passover, 19 April 2019, credit expenses between 8:00 and 11 a.m. amounted to NIS 200.3 million.

The busy minute during the morning was 10:59 during which expenses of NIS 2.4 million were recorded with over 11,800 transactions.

The ISA data also show that yesterday, Thursday, April 14, 2022, during rush hours between 8:00 and 18:00, expenses in the national payment system totaled NIS 1.32 billion. This is a figure that is 6.5% higher than The day before Seder night, 25 March 2021, in the corresponding hours, expenses of NIS 1.24 billion were recorded. On April 18, 2019, expenses of NIS 937.8 million were recorded during these hours.

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