Record levels of greenhouse gases reinforce urgent need for states to commit to phasing out fossil fuels entirely at COP28

by time news

2023-11-15 12:07:00
Youth for Climate Hope Philippines

Before a report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) which shows that Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are the highest they have been for at least three million years.Candy Ofime, Climate Justice Researcher at Amnesty International, said:

“The last time greenhouse gases had these concentrations, temperatures were between 2ºC and 3ºC higher than today and sea level was 20 meters higher. The production and use of fossil fuels has led us to where we are, but neither the States nor the main producing companies have plans to gradually abandon them. In fact, many are expanding production.”

Tens of millions of people, often the most vulnerable, are already experiencing loss and damage from climate change. It is shocking to think how many more people will be directly threatened by changes of this magnitude if governments and the fossil fuel sector refuse to take action..”

“It’s not too late yet. Amnesty International believes that it is essential that, at the COP28 climate summit, States agree to the complete, equitable and forever elimination of fossil fuels and a just transition to renewable energy sourcesto prevent worsening climate damage and protect human rights from new and growing harm.”

“We are extremely concerned that the fossil fuel lobby will promote unproven technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, at COP28 to try to clean up their image and convince the world to allow them to continue as if nothing is happening.”

General information

He WMO report shows that the three most important greenhouse gases—carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide—are at record levels and rising. Most or a significant portion of the annual emissions of these gases, all of which are long-lasting, are caused by human activities. The high concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere between three and five million years ago were possibly due to a period of extraordinary volcanic activity. COP28 takes place from November 30 to December 12. The Amnesty International delegation will be led by its Secretary General, Agnès Callamard, who will attend the meeting from December 1 to 6.

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