A former 60-year-old Nishiharima prefectural citizen bureau chief who died on the 7th appears to have created a document accusing Hyogo Prefecture Governor Motohiko Saito of power harassment and other allegations of having recorded Mr. Saito’s statements related to the allegations he revealed on the 15th that he had left audio data for the prefectural assembly, as well as a written statement scheduled to be read aloud by the prefectural assembly’s Special Investigation Committee (Hyakujo Committee).
He also left messages saying he would “protest death” and “follow the 100 Article Committee to the end,” which bereaved family members who received his will submitted to Congress. The Hyaku-Arts Committee will discuss how to handle the matter at its board meeting on the 16th.
Meanwhile, on the 15th, after a meeting of three Kansai airports in Osaka, reporters asked Mr. Saito whether he would like to go ahead or back down regarding the allegations, and he said, “It is my responsibility than doing my job well. , day by day.”
According to sources, the data left behind by the man include recordings of Mr Saito begging people for gifts while on official duty, and the content is different from the seven allegations raised in the document . It appears that the man had planned to testify at the Hyakujo Committee on the 19th, where he was scheduled to appear as a witness, but was found dead on the 7th. It appears to be suicide.