«Recovering the past does not always work; I am more of doing new projects»

by time news

2023-05-08 00:10:49

The best talents in the world compete against each other in ‘Got Talent: All-Stars’, the special version of the popular ‘talent show’ that broadcasts a new gala tonight on Telecinco (10:00 p.m.). At the head of the format repeats the actor and presenter Santi Millán (Barcelona, ​​54 years old), who values ​​the transversality of the program, by putting the family in front of the screen.

-It is the first version of ‘All Stars’ that is made of ‘Got Talent’ in Europe.

-It’s very different. Art has a surprising component because it is not only something exclusively technical. There is emotion, which makes each performance unique and unrepeatable. And living them live makes it even more unique. There are performances that I can watch twenty times, and they will continue to excite and surprise me.

– Has the level of the program risen?

-This format leaves you with your mouth open. It’s not just what’s on stage, but everything that involves putting that talent in front of the jury and the screen. Fremantle and Mediaset have done a great job in bringing this product to viewers.

-Has it been more difficult for you to interact with the contestants who are foreigners and do not know you?

-The fact that they know you or not is not relevant to the format, quite the contrary. I try to make people feel comfortable. The participants who come to ‘Got Talent: All-Stars’ have a journey, with many hours of flight professionally speaking. For them it is a challenge, because it is the Olympics of talent, and that creates tension. I like to accompany them on this journey and make it as pleasant as possible. What’s scary? Of course, fear is there and it is an intrinsic part of life, but if you know how to manage it, it can be positive.

The format

«’Got Talent’ is one of the few transversal spaces that can interest older children»

-‘Got Talent’ has been a thermometer of audiences, but now Telecinco is experiencing a more complicated moment. Is there more responsibility with the ‘share’ data?

-Responsibility is to do our job to the best of our ability. How people receive or consume it, there we can’t do anything. We have given one hundred percent to convey to the public that what we have done is very cool. There are people who say ‘let’s go to Madrid to see a musical’ or ‘let’s go to Las Vegas to see a show’… but in ‘Got Talent’ we bring it to your dining room.

-With thirty years in television, do you face the audience in a different way?

-It affects me less because I am aware that the audience is not a response to the quality of the program. They are an entity that is there. That is the chain’s concern, not mine, because they have to deliver results. I worry about making the best product.

-Do you feel proud to see that a performance of ‘Got Talent’ goes viral on networks regardless of the audience?

-Of course. In any case, the fact that something goes viral does not mean that it has quality. I have a viral video and you can’t say it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. It’s somewhat subjective, but I’ve done better things (laughs). Virality does not imply quality. The goal is to offer the best possible quality product.

The quality

“Viral does not imply quality. I have a viral video and it cannot be said that it is the best thing I have done»

-Have you received the new Mediaset code of ethics to enforce it on ‘Got Talent’?

-No one has come to me to tell me anything about the ethical code. ‘Got Talent’ is one of the few formats left on mainstream television that is transversal, and that can interest both children and 80-year-olds. It’s like going to the movies, as well as a cultural event, it’s also a social event. That there are formats like this to bring the whole family together is good news.

-Now it is fashionable to reunite series from the past. Would you like to do one?

-I would get together with everyone because I have a very good relationship, but recording again… There are things in art that must be valued in their context. Recovering things from the past doesn’t always work. I’m more into doing new projects and trying to do other things, which sometimes go well and sometimes not, but it’s a challenge.

-The new season of ‘El pueblo’ is also being released and it was announced that it would not be renewed for more deliveries. How has the news been taken?

-Carrying so many years in this job also gives you perspective. In life, everything is finite. The good and bad. Everything ends and you have to accept it. Would I have loved to continue with ‘El pueblo’? Of course. Now a new window opens to do other things. Here the question is to do and above all, to continue wanting to do, which is the most important thing.

#Recovering #work #projects

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