Recovery, confident Italian companies: Fileni pushes on export and digital

by time news

The wind of recovery, after a year and more of drama, slowly begins to blow. And there are many Italian companies that believe in it and bet. This is the case with the Fileni Group (first Italian and European producer of poultry meat from organic farming and the third player in the national poultry sector) which, with its organic chicken, has continued to conquer export quotas in Europe over the last five years. In a historical period in which many companies have had to deal with unimaginable challenges, the Group has managed to recover the contraction with large-scale distribution, normal trade and exports, focusing heavily on e-commerce.

2021 began with a decrease in Italian exports of goods (SACE data) equal to 8.5% compared to the same month of the previous year. The figure is logically affected by the comparison with a 2020 in full pandemic.

In the first month of 2021, exports returned to growth compared to the previous month, after the negative trend in December (+ 2.3% January 2021 compared to December 2020).

The quarterly data also shows a positive trend (+ 2.4% in the last quarter compared to August-October). After a positive performance in 2020 (+ 1.9%), however, the year begins to contract for food and beverages, due to a marked reduction in demand in non-EU markets (-10.3%) and more contained all within the EU (-4.4%).

“In recent months we have invested a lot in the digital platforms of our large-scale distribution customers – explained Simone Santini, Chief Commercial Officer of the Group – and now we are present in the e-commerce channels of retail partners. The health emergency has accelerated a process that has already growth has been given new life thanks to new channels and the results recorded are very positive “.

“Currently the export share has an impact of 10-15% on the total turnover and we are able to be present throughout Europe, our reference markets are Germany, Spain, Greece, Portugal, but also all of Northern Europe and also Dubai”.

At a time when the fairs are closed, the export of the agri-food sector of the Marche is increasingly linked to digital. In fact, it should be remembered that it is one of the most profitable sectors of the country system but which at the same time paid a high price due to the impact of the earthquake a few years ago and now the pandemic, increasingly strengthening the search for alternative sales channels, from km 0 on the domestic market to online platforms to export products to foreign markets.

“Organic is a fundamental asset to guarantee quality, thanks to the integrated supply chain and the breeding of slow-growing breeds. The export of organic products – continues Simone Santini – has recorded continuous growth for Fileni in recent years. The group went through the period of the pandemic with a truly commendable sense of responsibility, allowing the company to continue to grow and guaranteeing the continuity of production in total safety for our collaborators “.

Active for over 40 years in the white meat and ready meals sector, Fileni Alimentare SpA, has grown steadily over the years and is today confirmed as the leader in Italy for organic meats. The company has a supply chain turnover of 452 million, 1,834 employees, about 300 farms. Since 2000, with the certification for organic production, it has begun an export expansion policy towards European and extra-European markets.

“The highly innovative solutions for the eco-sustainable packaging of our products- concludes the CCO of the company – the investment in renewable energy and regenerative agriculture, the enhancement of the territory, the sustainability of social welfare are the translation of our being circular. In this context, characterized by profound changes and uncertainties, we are committed to promoting strategic choices of shared value for all with an approach that focuses on Transparency, Courage and Respect: the values ​​that guide us today along our path and that will continue to do so. also in the future “.

Export and digitization, therefore, as fundamental elements that will allow the Italian economy to restart after the health emergency. From design, to fashion to food, it is on the promotion of Made in Italy in the world that it will be necessary to continue to invest to get out of the contractions caused by the pandemic emergency.

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