Red Ronnie: “Vasco I do not dissociate myself from you, long live the friendship”

by time news

Red Ronnie to 105 Kaos: “Vasco I don’t dissociate myself from you, long live the friendship”

“Vasco has dissociated from me but I do not dissociate from him Saturday night I did a live on my pages facebook, youtube, Red Ronnie Tv and I just told him” Vasco I do not dissociate from you, long live the friendship ” . Red Ronnie, guest of Francesco Facchinetti and Sabrina Scampini in the program “105 Kaos” broadcast on Radio 105 said about the words spoken by Vasco Rossi “The no vax thinks there is a conspiracy because everything must have a reason, it fails to accept that it is a coincidence but think there is something behind it. You try to talk to him but you can’t convince him, he is convinced of that and he needs to believe it because his head is like this … That’s why I disassociate myself from what Red Ronnie says lately when he goes to speak as a columnist dealing with topics he does not know. He once said that rappers’ lyrics are violent and instigate kids to violence … “,

Red Ronnie explains: “I don’t like labels, I’m for freedom, I’m for life, I’m for healthy eating that helps the immune system, so all these quarrels, these things, this attacking people who have an opinion on the health different from another is something well concocted by the media that for 2 years have done only this, but I have not watched television for 2 years I am so out of all these things ”.

“Vasco supports Inter, I was a Milan player as a child, but this does not mean that we are not friends, this is the reality”, he concludes in his speech to 105 Kaos.

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