Red Star: supporters launch a clothing drive for the most disadvantaged

by time news

This Friday evening, on the occasion of their club’s match against Le Mans on behalf of the 20th day of National (7:30 p.m.), the Red Star Fans, allied with the Collectif Audonien Solidarité Migrants (CASM), are organizing a collection of clothes at around the Bauer stadium from 6:30 p.m. “We have been setting up operations with the CASM for several years now, says Vincent Chutet Mezence, president of the Collectif Red Star Bauer. It echoes the values ​​we share as committed supporters of Red Star. We are constantly trying to maintain links with the local associative fabric”.

The initiative is overseen by the CASM, a group of around sixty Audonian citizens created in 2018 and made up entirely of volunteers. The latter act mainly by distributing meals every week to people in need at the Porte de Saint-Ouen and by preparing food parcels every month for the poorest families in the city. Thomas Moutou, volunteer and subscriber for several seasons at the Bauer stadium, welcomes this joint action and highlights the sharing of values ​​similar to those advocated by Red Star fans. “Here, there are quite a few volunteers who distribute meals on Wednesdays and who are at the Bauer stadium to support the club at the weekend. »

Everyone gets their hands dirty and this Friday, supporters will be invited in turn to contribute to this collection by bringing all types of clothing. “This year, the priority is sweaters and coats,” says Thomas Moutou. “In the middle of winter, it’s essential. We notice during our distributions that people are not covered at all while it is extremely cold. From the three previous collections, we have already been able to recover a lot of T-shirts, pants and other accessories that we always have in stock. »

“Our stadium must be much more than a football stadium”

The organizers are taking advantage of the crowds on a match night (around 1,800 spectators on average this season because of the stands under construction) so that as many people as possible can take part. These steps are part of a spirit of solidarity, assures the president of the Collectif Red Star Bauer: “We are trying to give greater resonance to their actions with our group. We are all concerned. “Thomas Moutou, constantly looking for subsidies with his colleagues, salutes the generosity of the supporters: “It is good that it is them who suit us at Bauer and not us who impose ourselves. This event is close to our hearts, it is important for the city of Saint-Ouen”.

The Red Star Fans at the Bauer stadium during a match against Le Mans in October 2021 Hugo Pfeiffer/Icon Sport Icon Sport

Vincent Chutet Mezence has a precise idea of ​​what Bauer must constitute for the Audonians. “We consider that our stadium should be much more than a football stadium. It must be a place of life, a place where social actions take place. Echoing his words, the first Festi’Bauer, a big fair which is in line with the values ​​and ideas defended by the Reds Star Fans, was organized in the stadium last June. “It’s a field where different activities, several associations can meet. The CASM was also invited and had a stand”, continues its president. “It was a city party, a nice neighborhood party. »

The stand hosting the collection will this time be set up on the rue Etienne Dolet side. Thomas Moutou, volunteers and supporters of the group will be present to discuss with the donors and collect the clothes at their local level. A large poster and flyers that will indicate the steps to follow to feed the HelloAsso kitty will also be out.

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