Red Star: the mayor of Saint-Ouen saw the buyers and recalls his conditions for the takeover

by time news

This meeting was eagerly awaited. Five days after the stoppage of the meeting between Red Star and Sète counting for the 30th day of the National because of numerous jets of smoke bombs launched on the lawn of the Bauer stadium from the stand Rino Della Negra, the mayor (PS) of Saint -Ouen Karim Bouamrane met, this Thursday afternoon, at the town hall of Saint-Ouen, Steven W. Pasko, Josh Wander and Juan Arciniegas, the representatives of 777 Partners, an American investment fund which is preparing to buy the Audonian club in the coming weeks. Patrice Haddad, the president of Red Star FC, was also present.

In our columns, the city councilor had affirmed after the stoppage of the meeting against Sète that “the way of the Ultras is reprehensible but their questions are legitimate. “His reaction after the meeting with the potential buyers was therefore going to be closely scrutinized by the supporters.

An extraordinary municipal council before the summer

Without giving too many details, Karim Bouamrane summarized the meeting in a press release published in the evening. “Organized at the request of the Mayor, the objective of this first meeting was to know the vision of the future buyers of Red Star FC, in particular on their desire to make a long-term commitment to the club”, writes the mayor. . He then recalled the city’s project for the club la ville, “the values ​​and history that drive the city’s relationship with Red Star FC, which are up to the ambitious renovation of the Bauer stadium, which began in 2020 in service of the club, and of the Audoniennes and Audoniens in terms of development, revegetation and animation”.

Main announcement of the mayor at the end of this meeting: “the representatives of 777 Partners will participate in an extraordinary municipal council, organized before the summer, with all the Audon players who have a constant attachment to the Red Star club for their express about their project,” says Karim Bouamrane.

The chosen one intends to insist on three points: “the territorial anchoring of the club in Saint-Ouen. The Red Star is Bauer, Bauer is Saint-Ouen; the social pricing of places and a democratization of sports licenses, at prices accessible to all; the promotion of sporting and educational excellence, with a strong ambition to reach Ligue 1.”

The Della Negra grandstand still hostile

Twenty-four hours earlier, the Rino Della Negra platform had persisted in its opposition to the American investment fund. “777 Partners, you are not welcome, we are not waiting for your help, we do not need you, explain the representatives of the Rino Della Negra platform. We will oppose relentlessly and with determination against all your projects aimed at distorting the essence of our club, its history and its uniqueness. We are convinced that your interest lies elsewhere, strictly economic and financial. The Red Star is our club, our world. In our world, there is no place for a conglomeration of football clubs. »

Sportingly, the Red Star, 11th in the National, which has nothing more to fear or to hope for, is moving this Friday to Bourg-en-Bresse (6th) on behalf of the 31st day. This Thursday, the Federal Disciplinary Commission initiated an investigation concerning the stopping of the match against Sète. The decision will be made the following week, Thursday April 28 at the latest. According to our information, the Red Star risk playing their last two games of the season at home behind closed doors, against Sedan (April 29) then Concarneau (May 13). An additional suspended match for the start of next season cannot be ruled out.

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