Reducing Heart Disease Risk: The Impact of Decreased Walking in the United States

by time news

Title: Walking Less: How COVID-19 and Safety Concerns are Impacting Americans’ Health

In the United States, nearly two people die every minute from cardiovascular disease, making it the leading cause of death for men and women in the country. This disease costs the U.S. about $239 billion every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Recent research has shown that the solution to lowering the risk of heart disease in daily life can be as simple as going for a walk. However, Americans are walking significantly less than they used to, with a 36% drop in the number of average daily walking trips from 2019 to 2022.

This decrease in walking can be attributed to several factors, including the impact of COVID-19. One study found that people are taking about 600 fewer steps per day on average since the start of the pandemic. This behavioral change is lasting and can have long-term implications for public health.

Another study revealed that Americans walk significantly less than people in European countries, with safety being a major concern. Americans are less likely to walk due to the higher rates of fatalities and worse walking conditions compared to other countries. This has led to a preference for driving as the primary means of transportation.

The benefits of walking are extensive, with consistent walking being shown to increase lifespan and reduce the risk of heart disease, among other health conditions. Walking can also help in managing blood pressure, reducing stress, and improving cognitive abilities.

For general health, it is recommended to aim for 10,000 steps a day, which is equivalent to about five miles. Increasing step count gradually is advised, as it helps in building up to the target goal.

To incorporate walking into daily routines, experts recommend making walking a social activity, using public transport that requires walking, and using tracking devices to monitor step counts.

Given the impact of the pandemic and safety concerns, it is crucial for Americans to find ways to incorporate walking into their daily lives for improved health and well-being.

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