Reducing Inflammation: Foods to Avoid for Better Health

by time news

Reducing Inflammatory Foods for Better Health: Here are 5 Culprits to Avoid

Inflammation is a natural response by the body to infections or unwanted substances. However, chronic inflammation can be detrimental to our health. Recent studies have shown that certain foods can contribute to inflammation, while others can help fight it. Here is a closer look at five inflammatory foods that you may want to avoid.

1. Red Meat: A study published in Public Health Nutrition revealed that the saturated fat content in red meat is associated with inflammation. It’s not just limited to hamburgers and steaks; lamb, goat, and venison are also considered red meat. To reduce inflammation, opt for ground chicken or turkey instead. If you still crave the taste of a juicy steak, try seasoning cauliflower like you would a steak for a healthier substitute.

2. Packaged Sweets and Soda: The combination of white flour and sugar found in packaged sweets can trigger inflammation. WebMD explains that sugar causes the body to release inflammatory messengers called cytokines, and soda is a major culprit. Cut back on soda, sweetened teas, fruit juices with added sugars, milkshakes, and smoothies. Instead, choose fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth. Consider adding fruits to oatmeal or blending them with vegetables, herbs, and Greek yogurt for a nutritious smoothie. If you prefer chocolate, opt for a square of dark chocolate, which actually has anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Fried Foods: Fried foods are not only high in unhealthy fats, but they can also contribute to inflammation, according to Mount Sinai. Harmful substances called AGEs (advanced glycation end products) are abundant in Western diets and are created when foods are heated, pasteurized, dried, smoked, fried, or grilled. AGEs adhere to tissues and oxidize them, leading to inflammation and potential diseases. Try healthier alternatives like baked chicken tenders with whole wheat bread crumbs for some crunch, instead of deep-fried options like french fries or egg rolls.

4. Processed Meat: The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published an article in 2017 linking processed meat to increased inflammation in the body. Foods like hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni, and cold cuts are commonly included in this category. Consider making your own thinly sliced chicken for sandwiches instead of buying processed cold cuts. Alternatively, try using fresh vegetables like cucumbers and carrots as a filling.

5. Alcohol: Heavy alcohol consumption has been found to correlate with chronic inflammation, according to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology. To reduce inflammation, consider exploring alcohol-free alternatives like mocktails. You can create delicious and refreshing drinks using plain seltzer water combined with berries and mint, without any added sugar.

By avoiding these five inflammatory foods, you can reduce the risk of chronic inflammation and improve your overall health. Remember to opt for healthier substitutes and choose anti-inflammatory foods, like tomatoes and spinach, to further promote well-being.

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