Referring the communiqués of the two martyrs, Al-Fateh Al-Numeir and Babiker Abdel-Hamid, to the judiciary

by time news

Today, the Martyrs and Violations Prosecution Office referred the communiqués of the two martyrs, Al-Fateh Al-Numeir and Dr. Babiker Abdel-Hamid, to the judiciary, after charging those involved in the commission of the crime, under Article (130) of the Criminal Code of 1991: “intentional killing” – according to the Sudan News Agency, after more than four years. Years since they were killed in protests against the defunct regime in January 2019.

The two martyrs, Al-Fateh Al-Numeir and Babiker Abdel-Hamid, were killed by security bullets during protests against the defunct regime in January 2019.
The two martyrs were injured in the “January 17 procession” by security bullets in the “Bari” area, east of the capital, Khartoum, in 2019. While the martyr, Doctor Babiker Abdel Hamid (29 years old), died on the same day from a gunshot wound to the chest, the spirit of the martyr Al-Fateh Al-Numeir (24 years old) died. ) four days after infection.

The “In order not to be expunged” campaign calls for the addition of Article (186) of the Criminal Code: “crimes against humanity” to the reports of the martyrs of the revolution, to ensure that the senior leaders involved in planning, encouraging and issuing instructions in the violations that occurred before and after the fall of the defunct regime are held accountable.

According to the Sudan News Agency, the head of the Martyrs’ and Violations Prosecution Office briefed the Public Prosecutor on the status of the martyrs’ claims, as well as the progress of work within the Public Prosecution Office, during a meeting in the Attorney General’s office today.

The Public Prosecutor received the case files in which the investigation was completed and charges were brought against the defendants, in preparation for their referral to the judiciary, which are the communication of the martyr Muhammad Al-Mujtaba Abd Al-Salam, who was martyred by run over, and the communication of the martyr Alaeddin Adel, known as the martyr of Al-Kalakla, in addition to the communication of the martyr Muhammad Ahmed Al-Sabunabi, who was martyred in the city of Bahri. According to the Sudan News Agency.

Activists in the “Campaign to Not Be Abolished” are calling for the amendment of Article (34) of the Armed Forces Law of 2007, Article (45) of the Police Law of 2008, and Article (52) of the Security Service Law of 2010, which are the laws that grant leadership to the regular forces. Exclusively” the authority to lift the immunity of its employees.

Activist Saleh Digna said in an interview with “Ultra Sudan” that the authority to lift immunities is originally the authority of the Public Prosecution, not the regular forces. Digna believes that returning these powers to the Public Prosecution office – despite its difficulty – or at least setting a time limit for the regular forces to lift the immunity of their employees by law is “a very important step towards stopping bloodshed in the future and consolidating the principle of non-impunity,” explaining that “the ruling is inconceivable to be The executioner himself” – referring to the regular forces.

Ultra Sudan

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