The Mexican Episcopal Conference (CEM) spoke out regarding the possible approval of the reform to the Judiciary and argued that the proposal promoted by the Executive does not respond to a comprehensive review of the judicial systemnor does it guarantee a better and more qualified delivery of justice.
In a statement, the Catholic bishops maintain that the modifications affect the autonomy of the Judiciary and call into question the division of powers established by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States.
“We ask that the point of view of the members of the Judicial Branch of the Federation be heard, Judges and Magistratesministers and ministers. And we encourage the continuation of the reflections of bar associations, students and professionals in which they agree with
various international organizations, in which they state that the election for the position of Judges y Magistrados, in addition to politicize and weaken The administration of justice in Mexico offers no guarantee to overcome the corruption and impunity that citizens urgently need,” he said.
In this sense, the Iglesia He made vows that the Senate of the Republic, “Taking into account the great responsibility and the importance of the issue, sufficient time is given for
reflect deeply, analyze prudently and rebuild dialogue with all sectors of society, beyond unnecessary partisanship, contemplating the good of the Nation”.
He stressed that progress will be made in a comprehensive reform that includes prosecutors, local courts, respect for the judicial career, as well as the federal justice so necessary for our country.
He recalled that, in the last electoral process, the National Agenda for Peace, presented to those seeking the Presidency of the Republic, where the need to comprehensively rebuild justice is expressed, a demand of Mexican society, especially of the victims of criminal violence throughout the country and the impunity caused by the limitations and corruption of some justice providers.
2024-09-08 11:33:31