Reform of the Judicial Branch, workers, judges, overrepresentation and everything he said in his special interview on Channel 22

by times news cr

2024-07-08 07:58:18

In it Chamuco TV continue with luxury guests; this Sunday, July 7 Arturo Zaldivarformer minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) appeared on the program.

During the special interview, Arturo Zaldívar spoke about the initiative of reform of the judiciary promoted by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) y supported by Claudia Sheinbaumvirtual president-elect.

Just two weeks ago, the cartoonists Rapé, Hernandez and Fisgón They had an exclusive interview with AMLO from the National Palace.

On Chamuco TV, Arturo Zaldívar explains how the Reform to the Judicial Branch would guarantee the arrival of career judicial personnel to the SCJN

Arturo Zaldívar acknowledged that the traditional system for electing judges has led to the appointment of judges who are ideologically conservative from a political point of view.

In light of this, he considered it a possibility that through popular elections this situation could be reversed, achieving “closer and more well-placed judges.”

“In the United States, for example, in 43 of 50 states there is an election of judges and nothing happens, there they are not saying that it is antidemocratic, that there are no profiles [idóneos]then it is about trying out a different issue to see if through this process we have a more plural judiciary. This is not about wanting to take over the judiciary, if we wanted to take it over, either we do not make any reform, because the President will have appointments in the Court, or we make a reform of another kind.

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

To make his argument clearer, Arturo Zaldívar gave the example of the United States, where all federal judges and magistrates are appointed by the President with the approval of a simple majority in the Senate.

“Imagine if we proposed that all federal judges be appointed by the President with the approval of a simple majority in the Senate, they would be saying that it is a dictatorship. No, what is being done is putting the three powers to the consideration of the citizens to propose candidates.”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

Arturo Zaldívar explained that the Executive Branch would elect 10, the Legislative Branch 10 (5 for the Upper House and 5 for the Lower House) and 10 for the Court itself.

“So, the possibility of people from a judicial career coming is there, they will simply have to participate in a different process”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

In response to this, the former minister of the SCJN responded to those who claim that the current process by which judges and magistrates are elected is not politicized, that this is a fallacy.

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On Chamuco TV, Arturo Zaldívar says he is in favor of making changes against overrepresentation, but applicable in future elections

What about the overrepresentation which is being talked about so much these days? Arturo Zaldívar recalled that there have been rules on the subject since 1996, which could have been changed in 2000 and 2007, when the Constitution was reformed.

However, at that time no one saw the need to change them, but since now the beneficiaries are Morena and its allies, then there are already voices calling for them to be modified.

In view of this, Arturo Zaldivar He said that if the issue is causing so much concern, as two ministers of the SCJN have recently shown, it should be addressed in a future reform applicable to future elections, not to those that have just passed, since those were carried out with a regulation already approved.

“It’s like I won the match 5-0 and now it turns out to be a draw, well no, goals count”

Jose Hernandez, cartoonist

Reform of the Judicial Branch, workers, judges, overrepresentation and everything he said in his special interview on Channel 22

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco TV (Video shot)

On Chamuco TV, Arturo Zaldívar explains how “judges also do politics”, with the case of the US and Trump

Arturo Zaldívar: The objective of the Judicial Reform is to democratize power, to have judges who are more sensitive, humane, closer to the people, a need that exists all over the world.

“Constitutional justice is in crisis all over the world, and mechanisms are being sought all over the world to ensure that judges do not have a political bias linked to certain parties”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

An example of this, said the former minister of the SCJN, is the case of the United States, where Donald Trump, when he was president, was able to make three appointments that changed the ideology of the Court and that, obeying Trump’s interests, were able to make changes that affected women’s right to abortion.

But not only that, with the changes made by Trump, it was possible for the now re-election candidate to obtain immunity, Arturo Saldívar pointed out.

“This is how we realize that judges all over the world also engage in politics”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv (Screenshot)

On Chamuco TV, Arturo Zaldívar: The workers of the Judicial Branch have been deceived “to be used as a shield” against the Reform

The reform of the judiciary has provoked the mobilization of judicial workers, who claim that their rights will be affected.

In response, Arturo Zaldívar said that this is a lie that opponents of the Reform have told them “to use them as a shield,” since the changes will focus on ministers and magistrates.

“They are being deceived [a los trabajadores]. This reform will not affect the rights of workers, it expressly respects them. This has to do with ministers, judges and magistrates, not with the workers of the judiciary.”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

According to the former minister of the SCJN, those who are also being deceived regarding the reform of the Judicial Branch are the judges and magistrates, by telling them that Norma Piña, president of the SCJN, is negotiating to overturn any change.

“Judges and magistrates are still being led to believe that this reform will not pass, that Minister Piña is already negotiating, I don’t know who she is negotiating with, but the truth is that the reform is going ahead, it is backed by 36 million votes from Mexicans.”

Arturo Zaldívar, former minister of the SCJN

Arturo Zaldívar clarified that the forums being held around the Judicial Branch Reform are not to decide whether it is carried out or not, but to analyze specific aspects, such as the gradualness in which the changes would be applied or how to guarantee that the profiles that arrive belong to serious and honest people.

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv (Screenshot)

On Chamuco TV, Arturo Zaldívar explains why a reform of the judiciary is necessary

Arturo Zaldivar’s participation in Chamuco TV began by explaining why a reform of the judicial branch is necessary.

The former minister pointed out that during the years in which he presided over the SCJN, changes were undertaken to combat related problems in the judiciary, such as:

  • the corruption
  • Nepotism
  • sexual harassment

He also highlighted that “digital justice was created throughout the judicial branch, a new judicial school for a new profile of judges, the public defender’s office, which operated like never before, in 4 years we freed more than 44 thousand people. […. se generó] the most important gender policies in America.”

All of this, Arturo Zaldívar pointed out, was so relevant that several international organizations, such as the OAS, extended various recognitions to the SCJN.

However, Arturo Zaldívar regretted that after his departure from the presidency of the Court, two things happened that resulted in a setback:

  • Allying with the right
  • Confronting the other powers of the state (Executive and Legislative)
  • Reverse the changes undertaken during his administration (especially the fight against nepotism and the invalidation of gender policies)

In light of the regressive stance of the new presidency of the SCJN, Arturo Zaldívar considered that the reform of the judicial power is very necessary.

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv

Arturo Zaldivar on Chamuco Tv (Screenshot)

Where and at what time can I watch Arturo Zaldívar’s special interview on Chamuco TV?

The interview especial a Arturo Zaldivar in the program ‘Chamuco TV and the children of hell’ will be broadcast today Sunday July 7 live on the channel Channel 22 at 8:30 p.m. (Central Mexico time).

Also, if you prefer, you can watch the interview with the former Chief Justice of the SCJN through the website from the same time or, by the Canal 22 Youtube Channel at the end of the program.

If this were not enough, remember that Chamuco TV is also broadcast every day. Tuesday at 8:30 pm on TV UNAM and the Thursday at 8:00 p.m. by the sign of Canal Once.

What topics will Arturo Zaldívar discuss in an interview for Chamuco TV?

Cartoonist Hernandez indicated that the interview con Arturo Zaldivar will aim to implement its “Ch” plan: analyze the reform of the Judiciary.

So in this new episode of Chamuco TV it is expected that they will address topics such as:

  • election of judges, magistrates and ministers by popular vote
  • Opinion on the Chief Justice of the SCJN, Norma Piña
  • Possible adjustments to the original initiative proposed by AMLO
  • The current role of the SCJN in Mexico
  • Corruption and nepotism within the judiciary
  • Possible integration of Arturo Zaldívar into Claudia Sheinbaum’s cabinet

2024-07-08 07:58:18

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