Reform of unemployment insurance, conference for Moldova and murder of Vanesa

by time news

Did you miss the news this early morning? We’ve put together a recap to help you see things more clearly.

The social partners will know this Monday, during a meeting at the Ministry of Labor with Olivier Dussopt, the arbitrations of the government on the reform of unemployment insurance. This could in particular vary the duration of compensation according to the unemployment rate. The leitmotif of the executive is indeed that unemployment insurance be “stricter when too many jobs are unfilled, more generous when unemployment is high”, an idea supported by the Medef and the CPME but to which oppose all the unions. On the other hand, the government ruled out touching compensation and waived a variation of the rules according to the local employment situation, which was too complex to implement.

Part of the world will be at the bedside of Moldova this Monday. Paris is indeed going to host an international conference of support for this neighboring country of Ukraine with the immediate objective of providing it with emergency aid to get through the winter while accompanying it on the way to joining the EU. EU. Moldova, a country of 2.6 million inhabitants, is bearing the brunt of the consequences of the war, particularly in terms of energy, when the Russian company Gazprom has halved its gas exports to Chisinau. The “International Platform of Support for Moldova” was launched on the initiative of Germany, France and Romania. Two editions have already taken place, the first in Berlin in March, the second in Bucharest in July.

The investigation progresses on the murder of Vanesa. The 31-year-old man suspected of having killed the 14-year-old schoolgirl on Friday in Lot-et-Garonne was indicted on Sunday for kidnapping and forcible confinement, rape and murder of a minor and placed in pre-trial detention, the prosecutor said. ‘Agen. According to Olivier Naboulet, this temporary worker living in Marmande explained in police custody that he spent Friday morning in Tonneins in his car, consuming cannabis, near the Germillac college. He noticed his victim walking on the sidewalk and made him “force into his vehicle before quickly leaving the scene”. “Confused in his explanations” on his journey by car, the 30-year-old, identified as Romain C., told investigators that he parked “out of sight” and decided to rape his victim. In order to hide his crime, he then decided to kill her “by strangling her”.

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