Refuges, meeting between the Province, AVS and CAI on the management of funds – News

by times news cr

BOLZANO. In a meeting between representatives of the Province and the two Alpine clubs Avs (South Tyrol Alpine Club) and Cai (Club Alpino Italiano)we discussed the management of the funds made available by the Province for the extraordinary renovation and maintenance of the CAI and AVS refuges. The Province has in fact allocated 10 million euros for the rehabilitation and renovation of these structures, considered safety, emergency and welcome facilities for those who live in the mountains. This is an allocation that does not concern mountain refuges that are part of the provincial heritage. The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism, headed by the councilor Luis Walchertogether with the Department of Public Works, Heritage Enhancement, which is headed by the councilor Christian Bianchicollaborate to better manage funds and plan renewals in their multi-year plan.

“The assistance that the Province guarantees to the two associations Avs and Cai is fundamental to guarantee protection and safety for hikers and mountaineers – underlines councilor Walcher -. It is essential that interventions are carefully planned and implemented, so that they are in harmony with nature and the environment.”

“The mountain is a place that can offer great emotions, however there are various pitfalls linked to its frequenting: the commitment of CAI and AVS for these places full of charm, much safer and more accessible”councilor Bianchi intervened.

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