“Region among the first to adopt Pnpv 2023-2025”

by time news

2023-09-23 12:25:00

“The Umbria Region is among the first in Italy to have set up a vaccination prevention intervention plan. After the approval of the National Vaccination Prevention Plan (Pnpv) 2023-2025, on 2 August last at the State-Regions Conference, we put in field all the strategies that the program itself envisages, i.e. vaccinating by risk class. Thanks to general practitioners, Umbria represents a great example of vaccination capacity”. Thus at time.news Salute Massimo D’Angelo, director of Health and Welfare of the Umbria Region, before opening the work of the Fimmg Regione Umbria project entitled ‘The role of the general practitioner in the management of anti-herpes zoster vaccination: new perspectives for protecting the patient” underway in Perugia. Vaccinating “is a public health priority that has a double objective – continues D’Angelo – to protect the individual and the community”.

To confirm the vaccination capacity, continues D’Angelo, “the data: in 2022, compared to the previous year, we were among the first in Italy for vaccination coverage (for example for anti-flu and anti-Covid) on the elderly population. And this has evidently had a notable impact in terms of reducing hospital admissions in a region where the number of people over 65 is very high. These are often immunosuppressed, chronically ill people suffering from COPD, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases , renal failure, therefore subjects at risk”. And D’Angelo has no doubts about the projects that the Umbria Region intends to implement in light of this latest PNPV: “Among the priorities – he remarks – there is certainly the need to encourage integration in terms of strategic planning of activities among general practitioners who operate in the area, especially in disadvantaged areas and in the villages where many frail elderly people live, to guarantee vaccination in a homogeneous form and reduce the inequalities, which nevertheless exist”.

In this way “we can combat the risk of pathology in the population. But the system must reach home, we must also vaccinate at home”. The role of gender medicine is fundamental. “The family doctor has an important role in carrying out the vaccination procedure due to his widespread presence throughout the territory, he knows the individual patient”. Through general practitioners, “we can do promotion and information as well as uniform vaccination intervention on the territory – concludes D’Angelo – and avoid those territorial inequalities which then become health inequalities as well. The action must be as modulated in a homogeneous way throughout the region. These are our objectives that we can only achieve with due programming and planning”.

#Region #among #adopt #Pnpv

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