Region on the resulting area Now we vote on the maxi loan – Pescara

by time news

PESCARA. Twenty days have passed since the last session of the regional council which, on August 6, should have given the green light to the maxi loan of 50 million euros to build the single headquarters of the Abruzzo Region in the resulting area. But that day the vote was skipped due to vetoes in the center-right majority and tomorrow, at the Hemicycle, there will be another episode: this time the governor Mark Marsilio could collect the favorable vote and start the maneuver. It is a key step for the redevelopment of the resulting area, a major contested work: a turning point for Pescara, according to the entire center-right chain, from the Municipality to the Region to the Parliament; quite the opposite instead for the center-left, the M5S, the civic exponent Domenico Pettinari and the environmentalists who, in protest, chained themselves to the fence of the first construction site already opened.
It is an operation of over 70 million euros that should change the face of the resulting area, 37 years after the last train passed: a present of an expanse of asphalt with over 2,300 parking spaces and a future of a forest in the heart of the city. The first 4 million for the greenery are those promised by the PescarAbruzzo foundation in a private agreement signed with the Masci administration; the other 15.9 million, according to the Masci administration, are already ready for the construction of the silo; and then there is the game for the Regional building on an area of ​​10 thousand square meters.
The budget adjustment law that will be debated tomorrow in L’Aquila provides, in Article 14, the same path hypothesized twenty days ago: “For the purpose of finding the resources necessary to guarantee the financial coverage of the interventions aimed at the construction of the building to be used as the sole headquarters of the Abruzzo Region in Pescara, the body will be able to authorize the use of debt, in the terms that will be defined with a subsequent regulatory provision and this after precise quantification of the related costs and in the presence of the legal conditions”. There is no mention of figures but the amount could exceed 50 million euros. Everything will depend on the project of the headquarters: the directives for now speak of offices but also of an auditorium for shows and a library but the exact volume is not known.
Of course, the vote will not be a walk in the park for the Fratelli d’Italia-Forza Italia-Lega axis: it is expected that the PD and the M5S will raise the stakes with a series of amendments aimed at blocking the operation.
Part of the resulting area remains an open construction site for a double clean-up, both war-related and environmental: the closure of part of the large car park has created a parking emergency in the city centre which has pitted the administration and the shopkeepers against each other but, without the clean-up, the redevelopment project could not go ahead.
In the meantime, by November, the company Rina Check srl of Genoa will have to conclude the verification of the project of the first lot of 20 million euros: only with the yes of Rina Check, the Municipality will then be able to launch the tender to find the company that will take care of the executive design and, subsequently, carry out the works in the heart of Pescara.

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