Regional network for cancer research – ICT&health

by time news

At the moment, it is still difficult for patients in regional hospitals in North Holland, such as Dijklander and Spaarne Gasthuis, to gain access to studies that are carried out in the Cancer Center Amsterdam of the AUMC. The new regional network for cancer research to be formed should remove these barriers.

KWF Kankerbestrijding has granted the initiators 2.4 million in subsidy to set up the network, which is led by Wendy Onstenk. “Cancer Center Amsterdam wants to offer all patients with cancer, even if they do not come to Amsterdam UMC, access to the latest research and treatments”, according to internist-haematologist Sonja Zweegman.

Pilot cancer research network

The regional network for cancer research, in which ORP (Dutch Oncology Research Platform) and IKNL are collaborating in addition to the three regional hospitals, does not only offer benefits to patients. For researchers, this means that Amsterdam UMC will have ‘access’ to more patients.

In September, the Flevoziekenhuis, Dijklander Hospital and Spaarne Gasthuis will start a pilot with the regional network for cancer research. “After this pilot, we want to connect more hospitals in the region. We employ research nurses in regional hospitals from the KWF funding,” says project leader Onstenk.

More data, better research

These research nurses will coordinate the various studies locally and approach patients with the question whether they want to donate blood or tissue for the biobanks of Cancer Center Amsterdam. Material of great value for scientific research. Think, for example, of research into the development of cancer or a way to make the cancer diagnosis at an earlier stage and therefore also to start treatment earlier.

The importance of access to more patient data and tissue for cancer discovery and treatment is great. To this end, various initiatives have already been rolled out, such as, a trial database for oncologists where they can obtain an overview of intervention research, studies into quality of life and observational studies.

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