Registration opens for Youth Scholarship Writing the Future, of 2,450 pesos per month – El Financiero

by time news

What are you waiting for to sign up? Registration has already opened Benito Juárez Higher Education Welfare Scholarship (Youth Writing the Future) which is aimed at undergraduate or higher technical level students from public institutions, and which provides support from 2 thousand 450 pesos monthly.

If you meet the requirements, you can receive this support during the 10 months of the school year and up to a maximum of 45 months.

Which are the requirements?

If you wish to be a creditor to this support granted by the government, you must meet the following requirements:

  • To be a student, a graduate student or a senior technician in some public institution.
  • Your monthly income must be less than the income poverty line.
  • No be over 29 years old.
  • You must not have another scholarship awarded by federal programs.

It is worth mentioning that, if you have been a scholarship recipient before, age or socioeconomic criteria will not apply, as long as you continue studying in the same educational establishment that you entered the system for the first time.

How do I register?

The first thing you should do is enter the portal of the Unique System of Beneficiaries of Higher Education (SUBES) where you must enter with your Unique Population Registry Key (CURP) and password.

If you are not registered in SUBES, you can do click here so you can sign up for the program.

Once inside the platform, you must select the school information tab and confirm that the data on your School Record is correct. Then you must activate it.

Subsequently, click on the option “Request a scholarship choose Youth Writing the Future” and you must completely fill out the information form. Confirm that the status of the request is “Finished”.

Next, you must carefully read and accept the terms and conditions of the protest letter. Print your acknowledgment as it is the document that has the folio with which you can check your results.

You have successfully registered! The results will be published the last week of May through the page

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