Registration week – 14 referendums can be signed until March 18th

by time news

The registration week for 14 referendums starts on March 11th. In all cases, the registration period runs until Monday next week, March 18th. The referendums can be signed either online (with an electronic signature) or in any municipal office, regardless of where you live. In order for the initiative to actually be discussed in the National Council, 100,000 eligible voters must sign. Anyone who has already submitted a declaration of support can no longer make an entry, as a declaration of support that has already been made is already considered a valid entry.

In three of the 14 referendums, the preservation of neutrality is addressed: “Peace through neutrality“, „Strengthen Austria’s neutrality” and “No joining NATO“ are the titles. The latter referendum calls on the federal constitutional legislature to enact a constitutional provision in addition to the existing neutrality law that explicitly prohibits the Republic of Austria from joining NATO.

Ban glyphosate“ is the name of another referendum, which is intended not only to ban glyphosate in domestic food production, but also in imported foods. You can also make your own request against the waste of food.Don’t throw away food“ must be signed.

Two referendums call for federal government control. “Are you clever?“ is the question of a request that calls for a knowledge test for potential members of the federal government. Party support should also be supported with the help of the “Abolish party funding“- referendums to be stopped. The parties should see themselves as being asked to finance themselves exclusively through donations and membership fees and not through tax money.

The immediate abolition of the mineral oil tax, the electricity levy and the natural gas levy is requested “Eliminate energy taxes” required. With regard to the energy crisis one can also say “Stop the energy price explosion now!” sign in order to guarantee the affordability of these for the population. In the referendum “No to nuclear power greenwashingThe aim of the signatures is to prevent the recognition of nuclear power as a sustainable form of energy.

The decision for or against the purchase of an electric vehicle must be left entirely to one’s free will, is the demand in “No obligation to have an electric car“-Referendum. Also the complete one Abolition of the CO2 tax required. Signatures are being collected in the petition of the same name.

With regard to health, two referendums can be signed. On the one hand, the “Intensive care bed capacity expansion referendum“, which calls for an increase in the number of intensive care beds including technical equipment, medication and nursing staff. On the other hand, the referendum “Daily gym class“to support the health promotion of children and young people.

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