Reinaldo Lippi will return to the outdoor products business with his brand Ofki 2024-07-07 16:20:39

by time news

“I am working on creating another outdoor clothing brand, which is what I know how to do. I have the brand and I am going to make outdoor clothing,” said Lippi.

Reinaldo Lippi Ureta, 65 years old and known as the founder and former owner of the brand that bears his name, has decided to start a new company in the outdoor world.

According to the Financial DailyOfki is the name of this new company created by Lippi together with other partners.

“I am working on creating another outdoor clothing brand, which is what I know how to do. I have a defined brand and I am going to make outdoor clothing, trying to rescue what my origins were,” he said.

The company will focus its efforts on producing parkas and backpacks in the near future, and will then add more outdoor items.

The name of the brand comes from the fact that some years ago Reinaldo Lippi was part of a group that rescued mountaineers in the Northern Ice Fields.

There was a place there called Isthmus of Ofqui, where there is an abandoned hotel made of native wood that some settlers built to create a canal that crossed the isthmus so that ships would not need to go out to the Gulf of Penas.

Lippi: “What I am doing is crazy”

Lippi says that “I found that project as crazy as creating another brand now. What I am doing is crazy.”

On the other hand, he revealed that he will develop this company in Chile and then send it to Asia for production.

“You can buy very good things in China. I love going into factories. I am good at this,” he said.

On the other hand, Ofki will only sell products online, since the costs in stores and malls are very high.

“I prefer to avoid that cost, make direct sales and add technology to my products, instead of making them more expensive by having a store in some mall, which has nothing to do with me,” he reflects.

He added: “I will have a centre where I can repair the products, I hope it will be in Ñuñoa. I know the business.”

In turn, he said that “with this issue of companies that call themselves green and use recycled materials, my position is that the way to be ecological is to make products that last a long time, which is what I did when I started out. People still write to me to tell me that they bought a backpack from me in the 90s and still have it. That is what I am looking for (…) It is not possible that we have to throw it away.”

2024-07-07 16:20:39

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